Chapter Twenty-Five

Start from the beginning

He did as you asked instantly and stretched. "Do you like it?" he asked.

"It's good," you shrugged. "I think Suri is just kinda making things difficult for himself though." You heard Jason sniffle, causing your head to whip around to face him. "Hey, are you crying?"

"It's just—he loves her so much (y/n)!"

"Oh my god. Jason, it's a rom-com."

"It's a good movie, I will not argue on this. Please grab me a coke," he wiped his eyes. You laughed at him before exiting the room to get refreshments. It really was an interesting movie, even if it was a bit silly at times. Both the romantic and comedic aspects were.... Well, they were both there.

You came back and you both returned back to your seats, but now with popcorn. The movie was back on and you both concentrated on the screen. Suri—Raj—the main guy was just so goofy, you couldn't help but laugh at his romantic gestures.

"I don't get how one guy could fuck everything up for himself so much," you said as you watched.

"He loves her more than anything, (y/n). It's easy to be stupid if you like someone," Jason grumbled.

"Yeah, but why," you laughed. "Taani is barely here."

"How could you say that?" he gasped overdramatically. "He loves her because she's full of life, kind, and like, graceful and noble and shit? How is it that hard to see?"

"Whatever, it's almost over let's watch this. I don't know how this is gonna end, still..." you admitted, your eyes glued to the screen. It was at the tensest part—you were sure that it would have a happy ending, but you've been wrong before. "Oh my god, he's wearing—"

"I KNOW!" Jason said loudly.

"Oh my god," you muttered, watching the final bits of the movie play out. By the time it all ended, you had tears in your eyes too. "Ok, it was kinda good."

"I know," Jason snuggled his head into you. "And now I'm going to sleep."

"I'm glad it ended well, but he lied like, so much," you pondered.

"He didn't know how to be honest with her. He just wanted to show her who he was, but it was hard," Jason mumbled.

"I guess," you agreed halfheartedly as you let yourself doze off. You felt tranquil, it was nice. Your breathing evened, and Jason was sure you were asleep.

"(y/n)?" he called but received no response. "I love you," he whispered softly into your shirt. He froze. Did he? Was he really that serious?

"I must be," he thought to himself with a smile before joining you in your sleep. He was happy.

"INCOMING!" a voice yelled before a weight dropped on the two of you and knocked the air out of you both, waking you instantly.

"Suki—" Jason choked out. "Why?"

"I saw you guys napping and I want in," she said as she began finding a comfortable position. You felt their combined weight crushing you.

"You guys are gonna kill me," you wheezed.

"Good thing you're already dead," Suki smiled as she hugged your head close to her. "Now let's nap."

"I don't know if I can go back to sleep now," you sighed. The three of you sat squished on the couch and eventually made it to sleep, despite your doubts. Sleeping in a doggy pile really was the ideal way to rest, even though your lung capacity seemed to decrease with each passing moment.

When you woke up, Suki and Jason were still sleeping. You thought about the last time Suki and Jason were in the same room as you, and what Jason had said after. Was Suki forcing her way into your hangout proof of Jason's claim that she was "crazy possessive"? It fit the bill, but you didn't really want to think about it. She seemed to constantly flip between repentant and defensive of her actions. It was...confusing, to say the least.

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