Livin To The Extreme

Start from the beginning

Tommy ran down to production to find out that his triple threat is now a one on one with Drew McIntyre.

Tommy: Yep, I'm going to die.

Hunter: Trust me, you'll be fine.

Tommy: Have you seen what he did you John? He beat the living hell out of him to now having him sit at home with a severe concussion and a broken wrist.

Hunter: Kid, listen to me; you'll be fine.

He winked at him as Tommy was confused but went along with it as he met up with his girlfriend in catering.

Liv sat with him as he got her a bottle of water, they both noticed Ruby staring at them.

Liv: Oh.. she's staring at us.

Tommy: Don't look at her, look at me.

She smiled and kissed him as they waited for the pre show to end.


Tommy walked to gorilla with his inspired Will Ospreay attire.

Drew was already in the ring, festing on Tommy's fear as they stood face to face.

Drew: Prepare to become my rag doll.

Tommy: You're no puppet master, you're a coward who attacks with suprise. Now fight me like a man.

The ref rang the bell as Drew hit a stiff right hook that connected with Tommy's head.

He fell to his knee as Drew towered over him, lifted his head up to him as he was going to hit a "claymore kick" early, but Tommy leaned back and missed it.

Drew was hit with a double shotgun kick into the corner where Tommy went to the top rope.

He went for a 450 splash but landed on his back which worried the fans.

But he got up and started to lose faith when Drew started to beat him down.

End of the match*

Drew had Tommy right where he wanted him, he had hit him three times with the "claymore kick", but never covered as he was torching him to prove that he is the worst thing to come to the men's locker room.

Drew: You will never be like me, you are weak!

He hit a huge chop on Tommy, he was exhausted and beaten.

Drew: Get up! Fight!

Tommy rolled out of the ring as Drew raged, he followed him out and "claymore kicked" Tommy.

He then grabbed a chair, folded it up and started to beat Tommy with it.

The ref called the match a disqualification as Drew was brutally beating Tommy with the chair until he was black and blue.

A security team ran out and moved Drew away from Tommy as he slowly got up with lacerations and bruises.

The medical staff walked him back to the trainers office where they started to ice him immediately.

Liv then ran into the room and saw her boyfriend sitting there.

Tommy: Hey..

Liv: What the hell..

Tommy: I know.

She then sat next to him as he was moving around more.

Liv: You need to sit and relax.

Tommy: I feel fine, the ice is really helping.

Liv: Why did you agree to that?

Tommy: I actually didn't, Hunter just kept telling me that I would be alright.

She then looked confused as he sat in the ice for ten more minutes until both walked back to there locker room where he cleaned up and got dressed as her match was next.

He walked her to gorilla and she sat on his lap, they were waiting for there match to be called until the ref called them all out.

Ruby walked out to the Riott Squad theme with Sarah. Both walked out down the ramp.

Liv looked at Tommy who was watching the TV.

Liv: Guess I'm next.

Tommy: Go get em.

She smiled and kissed him as she walked out to her NXT theme.

Tommy watched his girlfriend skip to the ring and slide into the ring as they were suprised by the match stipulation.

Announcer: The following contest is a team elimination match, whoever pins there opponent, that said women will be kicked out of The Riott Squad.

Liv then looked at Sarah who didn't know this was happening, no one did.

The bell rang, Liv and Ruby locked up quick as this would be a quick squash match.

End of the match*

Liv was about to hit a superkick to lead into her finisher until Sarah grabbed Liv's foot.

She couldn't move until she let go and was hit by a "Riott Kick".

Liv dropped to the ground as Ruby covered, she had a tear drop as she got the three count.

Announcer: Winner of the match, Ruby Riott!

Ruby kicked Liv as she was leaving the ring, Sarah mouthed "I'm sorry" and walked backstage.

Liv slowly sat up and looked around as they all clapped for her, suddenly she was grabbed by Tommy and pulled her in for a hug.

It was a suprise that he was out there, but this part was planned out as the camera's caught Liv slowly kiss Tommy.

The special effects on TV showed Tommy's eye's turn white as he was being brainwashed.

She pulled away and there old theme song played as the fans cheered, there mixed tag team was back.


Tommy walked Liv back to there locker room where they packed up and went to the hotel.

She put all the ice packs around him as they both laid in bed.

Liv: God, you look like hell.

Tommy: That's alright, I feel alot better when you're with me.

Liv: Aww.

She kissed him as they both fell asleep.


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