Chapter 46

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Warning: This chapter contains mild sensitive content such as eating disorders. There is nothing graphic, but there is a lot of talk about eating disorders so just be mindful when reading. 

Thank you, as always, for all of your love and support. You all keep me so motivated to keep on writing. Thank you.


"Hey, mom?" Yoongi asked nervously, fiddling his thumbs.

His mom looked up from the magazine she was flipping through while waiting for dinner to be done in the oven.

It's been a just a few days since Jimin revealed his secret to Yoongi. Yoongi couldn't stop thinking about it. He wanted to do everything he could to help him, but he wasn't exactly sure how.

He and his mom were currently sitting at the kitchen table and he needed her advice.

"Yes, honey?" She asked and put her chin on her hand, her elbow resting on the table.

"Um, can I ask you something? But can you promise not to make a big deal out of it and just trust me?"

Her eyebrows furrowed in concern.

"Well when you start off like that I'm already nervous. Is everything okay, Yoongi?"

"Yeah. But please just trust me when I say I'm okay."

"Alright. Go on." She urged wanting to know what was wrong.

"Do you know anything or have any books about eating disorders?" His mom was a nurse so surely she would have some knowledge about this.

"Yes and yes. But why are you asking?" She was more concerned.

"It's not for me, I promise." Yoongi emphasized that he was okay and he didn't need the information because he had one, but rather for someone else.

"Is it Hoseok?" She asked in disbelief. She doubted that he had an eating disorder. There was no way for her to know for sure, but she'd known him long enough to think that it wasn't true.

"No." Yoongi shook his head.

The sudden realization hit, causing her to reach her arm out and squeeze Yoongi's hand.

"Is it Jimin?"

Yoongi's eyes watered. He didn't think that this would ever stop affecting him the way that it did. The person he loved was suffering and even if it goes away later on, it was still something he had to deal with.

"Yeah." Yoongi whispered.

His mom leaned over and pulled him into a hug where he proceeded to cry into her chest.

"It's okay, honey." she rubbed his back.

He cried for a few moments then sat up.

"I just. I just found out. He told me the other day. I had no idea. He's been suffering for years. He's suffered the entire time I've known him and I didn't even know."

"It's an awful thing. But you had no way of knowing. People often try to keep it a secret. They're already ashamed of themselves so they don't want anyone to know. But he trusted you enough to tell you. That's huge."

"I know. He did." Yoongi sniffled.

"Wait one second." His mom put her pointer finger in the air and then hurried out of her chair into her room.

Yoongi took a second to collect himself and calm himself down before he got too emotional.

His mom came back with a big book with the title, "Eating Disorders."

Reflection | YOONMINTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang