I'm Not Okay

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Jacey's POV

Damon had been quiet for a while now. I'm worried. What if my words made him uncomfortable? Was it too soon to tell him those words? I meant every thing I said but I don't think he believed me. How can he not see that I don't care about his looks I like him for who he is and not what he looks like. Appearances don't matter to me; I only look at a guy's personality and that's all that matters to me. I decided to ask him something.

"Damon, can you trust me?"

"I'm not sure I do.You're a really nice person but I've only known you for a day and I usually can't trust people that I've known for a short period of time. I'm sure that I will be able to trust you one day though." He said.

I know I've only known him for a short period of time too but I trust him. Why doesn't he feel the same for me? I understand him though and I know it's hard to trust a person you hardly know. The only reason why I trust him is because he told me about his past and not every person tells a stranger of their life. I feel like me and Damon can become really close friends one day.

Damon's POV

Jacey is one of the most comprehensive girls I've known. She seems to understand me and I'm not going to lie I'm starting to like her. I can't trust her just yet though because my last girlfriend was also very nice but she turned out to be a cheater. I don't blame her, I'm ugly and nobody would want to date me. I'm surprised she even got with me in the first place. I was thinking about what Jacey told me earlier "your flaws don't define you" that's deep; I should start living by that but I can't embrace my imperfections. Every day I look at my reflection and I hate what I see. Why can't I have clear skin? Of all of the guys at school I had to be the one with the pizza face.

We talked for a while and ordered some food. After we ate, we walked home together. It was nice having someone actually hear you for the first time; it feels nice. Before we parted ways, I gave her my number. I walked home happy that I had met a beautiful, caring girl that wanted to be my friend.

Jacey's POV

Today has been a weird day. First keana slaps me, exposes my cuts to all the school, and I met a boy named Damon who actually cares about me. I have mixed emotions. I got home and sat on the couch; my dad was at work. I hardly see him. He is always at work or business trips. That's a good thing though because other wise he would remind me everyday of how much he hates me. I don't like seeing him; he always makes me feel worthless not that I'm not of course I am. I sat there thinking then the memory of keana showing my cuts came back; everyone was laughing at me. I feel like crap, all of the school knows. How am I supposed to go back? Everyone is going to judge me even more now. I'm stuck in a hole and nobody can get me out. I feel like life isn't going to get any better, I should just end it. I start sobbing, how am I supposed to live this life when I don't know how to deal with situations like this. I walk around thinking of a million ways to die when Damon calls me.

"Hi" I say; trying to hold back tears.

"Hey, you don't sound to well. Are you ok?" He asks.

"I'm fine" I lied.

"You sure?" He asks.

"Positive." I couldn't hold back my tears for too long.

"Ok then." He said.

"Hey I have to go. I'll talk to you later" I told him.

"Okay bye." He said.

I stayed there crying for what seemed like hours. I was getting tired so I went up to my room and decided to take a nap since sleep is another escape from this cruel reality. After a while,I drifted off into a deep sleep.

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