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Damon's POV

The moment I had waiting for came. The bell rang. I gathered my things as fast as I could and walked fastly out the door.

There she was waiting for me. I smiled and walked towards her.We started walking with her when all of a sudden a girl comes and slaps Jacey. She said "I see you got a little weird, funny looking friend."I felt very intimidated.She responded to her "Talk shit on me all you want but you will not talk about damon like that" and with that she threw her a punch.The girl just ran off and screamed "you will pay for this Jacey Roberts." I asked Jacey if she was ok and she said she was fine.

We walked a little traumatized from what had happened before. We sat on a bench and asked her who was the girl who slapped her.

"That's Keana Jefferson and she has been bugging me since freshman year."she said. I asked her "why?" She said "I never really had a lot of friends so I was a perfect target for her to bully." I told her"well now you have me and I'm not going to let anybody hurt you." She teared up a bit.

Jacey's POV

I don't like crying in front of anybody but nobody has ever told me something so sweet. I feel like he truly cares about me.I responded to him"thanks nobody has ever told me something so sweet."He smiled and said "well I feel so honored that I'm the first to tell you that."I couldn't stop smiling; he was just too kind. Am I starting to like him? No I can't , it's too soon.The bell rang and ruined the moment.

I asked him quickly "Do you want to hang out at lunch?" He smiled and said "Yes."Oh my gawd how I love that smile. I replied to him"Great meet me here during lunch."He agreed and I left smiling.

(During lunch)

Damon's POV

I walked to the bench where Jacey told me to meet her and sat. I saw her walking towards me. She looked so perfect.  She had hazel eyes, light brown hair, and a perfect smile.She came and sat.  We were about to start talking when Keana came back.

Jacey's POV

"What the hell do you want now keana." I was already pissed because she had slapped me in the morning. She responded "I told you I was going to get revenge Jacey."She jumped on top of me, dropping me instantly to the ground and she took my sweater off.

Damon's POV

When Keana got on top of Jacey, I was going to get her off but right at that instant some two guys came towards me. One grabbed me while the other started punching me. I couldn't do anything to protect Jacey. I felt so useless. When they stopped, I looked over to where Jacey was there she was on the ground without her sweater.  Then Keana started screaming "The weirdest bitch couldn't get any weirder.  Look at her arms they're all scratched up. What is she a fucking cat?"After she finished, everybody started laughing at Jacey and she started to cry. Keana spoke again "Aww did we hurt the little kitty's feelings?" I couldn't take it anymore.  I helped Jacey up and ran untill we were out of everyone's sight.

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