Clearing her throat dramatically Natalie said, “When this city was founded it was a beautiful meadow full of all of these flowers from around the world. No one knows how half of these are able to grow here all year round but so not to anger the gods the townspeople created this beautiful courtyard to keep them pleased.”

            I caressed a red flower that was from Africa saying, “That is so cool, and these are so pretty.” The three of us sat down on the fountain wall and I turned my face into the gentle mist that was coming from it. I heard a snapping sound and saw Sam put down her camera smiling at the picture she just took. “I hope I look beautiful enough for you,” I stated dryly.

            “Oh relax you actually look peaceful for once.”

            “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

            “You are always so tense all the time and never have fun, and every time your phone rings you look like you’re going to have a heart attack.”

            “That-that-that…” is actually probably true, I thought to myself as I angrily stormed off through the flowers. I heard Natalie shout something at Sam before quick footsteps told me I was being followed; before whoever it was could catch up to me I crouched down in a rose bush not caring that thorns were pricking my skin.

            “Josey, where are you,” I heard Natalie shout and then run off deeper into the flower garden as I lied back on the cool ground.

 It isn’t my fault I don’t know how to fully have fun, I’ve never been around other teenagers in my life. That and fun isn’t really what my entire life was made of, Sam knows that, I just don’t understand what I’m doing wrong around her! I’m being myself! It’s a good thing that I’m only here for a short time and don’t have to really get to know these girls because if I did have to stay here longer than one or two more weeks I would probably end up killing the entire student body.

Sighing angrily I ripped a rose off the bush and felt the thorns tear deeper into my skin as a trickle of blood ran down my thumb. Placing it into my mouth I gently sucked on it thinking, but maybe she’s trying to make me have fun because she cares about me and wants me to forget about my old life. Damn it was Sam trying to be nice to me this entire time?

I stood up quickly then shrieked in pain completely forgetting I was in a rose bush. Stumbling out of the bush pulling thorny stems out of my hair I started walking back to the fountain only to stop dead; no one was even there. I went to pull out my phone when I realized that it was in my backpack, which was with Natalie.

            “Dammit,” I muttered stuffing my hands into my jeans and walking through the garden. Even though this day wasn’t going so well, the flowers were really pretty. There was lavender hanging in drapes across a stone wall, azaleas were everywhere, and there was a Japanese apple blossom tree at the corner of the garden. Walking over to it I pulled a branch down and looked at all of the beautiful petals, which then gave me an idea.

             Pulling down a few stems I wove them together until I had a flowery head band which I put on right away. Picking even more flowers I made two bouquets and then started searching for my friends. It took me a few minutes but I finally found them near the back of the garden calling my name repeatedly. Walking up I smiled shyly and said, “Sorry about that I got a little side tracked.”

            When the two of them turned around their eyes got really big and I handed each of them a bouquet. Smelling hers, Natalie said, “Wow Josey these are so pretty, and so is your head band, it makes your eyes stand out even more than usual.”

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