FIVE: school & the lab

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Alyssa woke up when she heard a loud bang. It sounded like it came from downstairs. She realized that she wouldn't be able to go back to bed and decided to go and investigate.
The girl trudged down the stairs and read the clock on the wall.

2 am, yikes.

The sounds continued towards the lab so Alyssa inched her way over. Tony wouldn't like it if she went into his lab but the curiosity was killing her.

Alyssa quietly tiptoed down the steps. She had expected the room to be dark but was surprised when there was a light.

The girl approached the glass door and stopped when she saw Tony. He was in the lab working on a cylindrical tube object. Alyssa looked closer and realized that they were in fact jets. Tony sighed and looked annoyed. He hadn't seen her yet so she suspected it was from another thing.

Then she saw it.

Tony was covered in a white substance that looked like foam. It was obvious that he had tried to wipe most of the foam off but some of it remained.

Alyssa had to hold in a giggle.

Then Tony looked up and the girl quickly ducked behind a wall and a small blush crossed her face.

She peered out again from her hiding spot and watched as Tony fitted the jet rocket boot things to his feet and started a video.

Butterfingers and Dum-E, Tony's robots were assisting and one of them looked like it was holding a canister.

The girl couldn't hold in a small gasp as she saw Tony fly into the air. He started to fall forward and held his hands out to steady himself. The girl was so entranced that she walked out of her hiding spot to get a closer look.

She was well in the open now and Tony spotted his little spy from the window. Her eyes met his and she blushed again. Alyssa stopped dead in her tracks and Tony motioned for her to come in.

Alyssa gave him a look that seemed to ask "Are you sure?" Tony nodded again.

He went to steady himself and groaned when he face planted on to the floor. Dummy sprayed Tony with the fire extinguisher again.
Alyssa snorted and helped the grumbling billionaire up.

"Are you okay Frosty the snowman?" Alyssa asked.

"I'm fine, kid." Tony growled.

"That was funny." Alyssa laughed.

"Yah, I'm sure it was a blast." Tony teased. He rolled his eyes.

"Are those rocket boots?" Alyssa asked.

She was awestruck at the beauty of the device.
"Sure are."

"Are they powered by the mini arc reactor?"

The girl asked.


"That's so cool."

"Oh another note, why are you up?" Tony asked.

"Isn't it a little late for 6-year-olds-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa...slow your role mister. First of all I'm 8 not 6 and second of all, I could say the exact same for you." Alyssa sassed.

"Well, I'm not the one that has school tomorrow, so go back to bed." Tony smiled.

"To be fair, I was only up because I heard you crash from upstairs. Are you sure you're okay? I think you might need a doctor for how many times you've failed."

Tony gave the girl a tiny glare.

Alyssa smiled cheekily.

"Go back to bed." Tony said again.

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