Chapter 7

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"We're almost out of food" I frown bitterly, sorting through the cabinet.

"How many cans do we have left?" Logan asks, coming up behind me.

I count two cans of beans, one soup, two corn. Everything else is gone.

"Five, Logan. Then we'll be out of food. What do we do after? We can't go anywhere because of the snow! What if- oh god" I cry, losing my absolute shit.

"Hey hey. It's going to be okay. The snow will let up before we run out. I promise" he wraps me in his arms.

"I'm scared" I admit, crying into his chest.

"I know" he whispers, kissing my forehead.

2 days later

I wake up like every morning, wrapped around Logan. But today I'm not waking up to his kisses but to banging.

I open my eyes, rubbing sleep from them. Then I recognize the sound.

"Oh my god Logan! Do you hear that!" I yell, shaking him.

"What?" He startles, then sits up. "Someone's here."

I practically dive off the bed, hastily shoving on jeans and a shirt. I run to the door, Logan right behind me.

I throw open the front door and nearly sob when I see three sheriff's deputies on the porch.

"Are you Liv Townson and Logan Greenwood?" one of officers asks, looking at both of us.

"Yes!" I scream almost running and hugging all three of them in relief.

They all look relieved, "Everyone's been looking for you two."

A week later

Coming home was a mixture of hell and relief. As soon as Logan and I stepped into the sheriff's station we were bombarded with questions.

Everyone was beyond relieved that we made it through the blizzard alive. They say it was the biggest storm in a hundred years.

I was reunited with my mother and sisters who couldn't stop crying the minute they saw me.

Then as soon as I got to my house, reporters swarmed our car. My mom had to fight to get me to the front door.

At first it was weird being home. All the questions and quizzical looks. Even though I'd been missing for a little over a week, our story blew up. Two kids from a prep school getting lost in the biggest blizzard in modern history, surviving the elements, and making it out alive, it was gold in the news.

The school said I didn't have to go back for a few weeks. It's not like I could try, I've been under house arrest via my mom, it's like she thinks if I leave her sight I'll go missing again.

But what I've been missing most is Logan. We got separated once we landed at the airport, in the crowd of reporters and spectators. I haven't seen him since. I tried asking around, seeing if anyone had his number; I felt stupid I didn't get it at the cabin. But I guess cell phone numbers didn't matter at that time because we were trapped with no phone signal. I tried to find out where he lives but no one knew, he's a loner they said when I asked.

I knew the only way I could see him was school. After much convincing, my mom let me go back earlier than expected. But Logan wasn't at school. I figured he just needed some time to recuperate and he'd come when he was ready but he never showed.

Of course people gossiped. Saying he got arrested for breaking into the cabin. But if that were true I'd be in trouble as well.

A month later people forgot about Logan. But I couldn't. I missed him to the pit of my core. I hadn't the faintest idea where he went but I knew he'd come back. He wouldn't leave, he wouldn't do that to me. He'd come back, I know he would.

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