Chapter 3

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The smell of food pulls me out of sleep. My head feels heavy but the pain is gone. I sit up slowly and take in my surroundings. I'm laying in a queen size bed still wearing the same sweats. A glass of water and a few aspirin sit on the nightstand. I swallow them down and finish the water.

Needing to use the restroom, I stand and notice a small door. I open it and luckily find a sink and toilet. I use the bathroom and wash my face. Inspecting my head, I notice a bandage covering the side of my head. Logan must've found a first aid kit in the cabin.

Walking out of the bathroom, I wrap a nearby blanket around me. It's wool and warms me a little. I quietly walk out of the bedroom to find myself in a small living room. It openly faces the kitchen where Logan stands over a stove. I take a moment to notice just how tall he is. He has to be at least 6"5 and he's big. Not fat but just big.

He turns around when he hears my feet, "You're awake. How do you feel?"

"There isn't as much pain as there was at first. How long was I out this time?" I ask, walking towards him.

He watches me approach. Clearly looking me over to see if I show any signs of pain.

"A day. I made sure you were warmed up by the fire before moving you to the bedroom."

"Thank you. I feel so stupid for trying to cross that stream" I groan, shaking my head.

He gives me a questionable look, "What were you trying to do exactly?"

I immediately get red, embarrassed. "I wanted to pick this flower I noticed."

Logan stares at me for a second before throwing his head back and laughing. I've never once heard him laugh. It's a full hearty laugh and I immediately like it. He looks carefree for that moment.

"I know it was dumb" I laugh along, feeling warm inside.

He smiles, "I actually think it's kind of cute."

I blush and look away. Silence follows, it's awkward for a few seconds before Logan clears his throat.

"How did you find me?" I ask. "I didn't think anyone was around."

He gets a unreadable look on his face, "I was walking. Just needed a moment away from everyone."

I take a second to really look at him. His brown hair is shaggy and messy. His green eyes spear mine when I look at them. I'm strangely drawn to him and I feel the intense need to be close to him.

"I was out there for the same reason" I reply, truthfully.

He nods, looking at his feet for a moment. I can tell I make him nervous. On the other hand he makes me feel confused. And being this close to him is doing something to me. Despite being injured, my body heats up. Holy crap I'm aroused!

I quickly school my expression so he doesn't see my internal struggle. My stomach grumbles and I blush.

"I found a good amount of canned food in the cupboards. I warmed up some soup for you" he says before turning towards the stove.

I sit on one of the stools next to the counter and watch him pour the soup into a bowl. He sets it in front of me and places a spoon beside it. It's chicken noodle soup, my favorite. I gobble it up in five minutes flat and already feel stronger.

"I didn't realize how hungry I was" I blush when I finish and see him looking at me.

"You were out for half a day so I don't blame you" he smiles.

The wind howls outside and I gasp when I look outside.

"Oh my god Logan it's snowing!" I shout, running to the window.

Logan comes over, a grim look on his face. This looks bad, the snow is falling at an alarming rate. The white begins to eat up the forest floor. If this keeps up, we'll be snowed in for sure.

We're stuck....

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