"Well.. I'm not quite sure yet. I was thinking that we could go back to your castle and bring her with us. Maybe after awhile we could fake a fight, and break it off, and then... Go our separate ways." My heart suddenly felt a huge wave of pain, causing me to gasp. So after all of this.. He just wants to part ways? Well I guess it would be more believeable.. But even the thought hurt. Even though I hadn't know James for a long time, I had felt like I'd known him forever. James looked at me with a concerned look on his face, "What's wrong Eliza?" I brushed off what he said with a shrug, "Nothing, its just.. I don't want us to go our own ways. You're a good friend of mine now James and I don't want that to change." James looked at me with a sad smile, "I know Eliza.. It would just make more sense if we didn't speak anymore." I sighed deeply, "I suppose so.. Let's just talk about this later, okay?" James agreed and pulled me into a warm hug. I was confused, I felt happy for James because he was finally getting what he wanted this whole time, the love of his life. Yet at the same time.. I was envious.

I shook the feeling off and asked James when the wedding was supposed to be. "My mother and father want the wedding to be rather soon. They think the sooner it happens, the better. I'd say the wedding will probably happen in about.. A month. It'll give them time to make the necessary preparations and such." Nodding, I stood up. "I think I'm going to go to the dungeon.. I would really love to meet Valerie, care to join me?" James shook his head sadly. "I would, but my parent's forbid me from going down there and the guards are told to not let me pass. Tell her I said.. Hello, would you?" I smiled gently, "Sure. I'll be back later, okay?" Walking out into the corridor, I made my way down the halls. Getting lost along the way I was forced to ask a guard for directions. Finally coming upon a heavy stone door, the two guards standing by nodded at me and let me in. I walked down the winding staircase, but instead of going down it went up, I'm pretty sure into one of the tall towers. Two more guards greeted me there and let me in. There were a couple of heavy stone doors. I walked down the short hall and peeked inside each door, save the last one. All empty, I made my way to the last one, glancing in and seeing two eyes looking back at me.

Patricia's PoV

My lord called me to his chambers, and knowing what would happen if I didn't hurry, I swiftly made my way there. Walking into his dimly lit chambers I kneeled down in front of his throne, bowing my head. "Patricia," He boomed, making me flinch. "How are you progressing? You know I won't wait forever, or it WILL be your head." I daringly raised my eyes and looked at him sharply. "It is going fine my lordship. I am attempting to get the girl to trust me, before long she will be yours." He grinned evilly. "Good, I trust you are going to every measure to make sure she is not harmed in any way?" I couldn't help but mentally laugh when he said this, oh if he only knew... He would slit my throat right here. "Of course. The girl shall be safe, and in return.." My lord cut me off, "Yes yes, you need not remind me." Standing up slowly, we both nodded at each other and he dismissed me. "You may leave." Walking out of the castle, I couldn't help but picture what was REALLY going to happen. I could just picture the look on sweet Eliza's face when she took her last breaths, oh how droll.

Little did Patricia know, her lord was also planning something sinister as well, betrayal made its presence known in both of their black hearts.

Elizabeth's PoV

I found myself feeling rather sorry for this poor soul locked away for so long. We had been speaking for quite awhile now, both of us on opposite sides of the large stone door. Coming here I had felt anger making itself known, but upon talking with her awhile I realized we weren't so different after all. We both only wanted to be happy, yet we were both caged in some way. Although more literal in her case. Valerie was as sweet and kind as I imagined, and I felt myself instantly connecting with her. It was almost as if we had grown up together. "So, you're saying that soon I'll be out of this hell hole?" Letting out an mhm sound, I stared at the stone floor. "Yes, it shouldn't be long. Perhaps a month or so, and you'll finally be able to be with him again." I heard her sigh, "What if.. Things have changed and we're not the people we used to be? I wouldn't really know, being here and such." Not knowing what to say, I stayed quiet for a few moments. "Well.. I guess things will happen, and even if things... Don't work out, at least you'll be out of this wretched place." I could feel her smile in her words, "Yeah.. It'll be divine, I hope to see my family once again. Oh how I've missed them."

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