"I'm not that bad," I pouted.

He shrugged, "Yeah, you might be worse."

"Shut up," I bit out, repeating the statement I had heard him say to one of his friends.

Alexius quirked a brow before smirking, "See? You two would be perfect for eachother," he chuckled.

I was about to say something, to snap at him again, but my mother's voice stopped us both.

"Enough, both of you," she ordered, "Alexandria, I don't want to ever hear you telling anyone to shut up ever again, do you hear me?"

I nodded mutely, narrowing my eyes as I heard Alexius chuckle.

"Now that I think about it," I began slowly, "what was it you told me happened at the games father? There was a draw?"

"It. Wasn't. A. Draw." my dear brother snarled, and I grinned as I managed to get under his skin.

"Really? The judges said it was," mother added, "you two fought for hours, there was no end."

"His breathing was more uneven then my own, signifying weakness," my brother stated proudly.

Father laughed, "It was a draw, son, accept it."

Alexius turned away, "I'll beat him the next time I get the chance."

"You probably won't," I grinned.

"You're rooting for him?"

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend," I said, wisely quoting father.

"Funny, because you don't even know the 'enemies' name," he muttered, voice bitter.

I scowled, swiftly turning to my parents, "Father, what's his name?"

My father chuckled for a few moments, shaking his head at my antics before slowly answering.

"Prince Livius."


Another vision.

Another dream.

Another unwanted nightmare.

I've been having them a lot lately, and I hated it.

I hated remembering Alexius and my mother and father. I hated being forced to remember.

It hurt to see them every night. To be able to feel their energy and love again. It was as though they visited me in my sleep, and were ripped away from me when I woke up.

Every dream was me reliving my memories, and all I wanted to do was yell. To tell them to leave. To run away before it was too late. But then I'd simply wake up feeling emptier than I was before.

Not only was it heartbreaking, but it was terrifying to be reminded every night that even after all this, after all the kind people that I've had the honor of meeting, I was still alone. No matter who I had by my side, or how many people I know, or how many wolves adored me, it was never enough. Because there was always that lingering feeling that continuously reminded me that I had no family. No living person that shared my flesh and blood.

And Livius was no different.

Surprisingly enough, I managed to wake up before him. He often awoke before I did, and was gone before I could even say anything, but today was somehow different.

Pulling out of his grip, I slowly lifted my head and rested it on my palm as I stared down at him.

He looked so at ease. Intimidating blue eyes hidden behind closed eyelids, his face relaxed, and breathing even.

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