"See you later." He turned with a smirk. I still couldn't find my words, so I just waved dumbly. When he had dissapeared my feet finally began to move towards my first period. I got chewed out for being late, but I didn't hear any of it. All I could think about was kissing Beatle again, and after school.

"I've got half a mind to kick your ass." Beatle stated across our regular lunch table to Mi. He narrowed his eyes at me with a glare that looked like it could kill.

"You told him?" He hissed at me. I focused my gaze on the table but Beatle waved him off, bringing the attention back to the real problem at hand.

"You just put all of us in danger."

"Because Lake-"

"Shut your fucking mouth, Mi!" Beatle yelled, silencing the table. Trick and Whiskey still had no idea what was happening. They inquisitively observed the conversation.

"We need to lay low for a while. Until this all blows over. That means no dealing of any sorts. I don't care what you had arranged. I swear to God Mi, if some crazy supplier sends his goons after us I will literally castrate you." He lowered his voice before continuing, making sure that only Mi and I could hear what he was saying.

"And if you lay a finger on Lake again, you can look for new friends."

"This is such bullshit! You're always protecting him." Mi pushed up from the table so he was standing. He slapped his hand down, the sound echoing through the cafeteria. It caught the attention of multiple people.

"Chill out." Beatle said, rolling his eyes. Mi continued, throwing his arms around as he spoke.

"You act like he's your responsibility, like he's your brother or..." Mi's eyes widened and his eyebrows shot up, like he had just realized the cure for cancer.

"Holy Christ, you have a crush on the fairy. You're a fucking faggot!" Beatle shot to his feet, leaning over the table and threateningly close to Mi.

"Shut the fuck up, you don't know what you're talking about."

"So it's true. What the fuck?!" He yelled, laughing as he spoke. A few people looked over, Trick and Whiskey wore confused expressions.

"It's not true!" I turned my head up so I was looking up at Mi. He simply laughed in my face and grabbed the top button of my shirt in his fist. Twisting it and wrinkling the fabric.

"Fucking lying faggot."

"Miles, let go of him."

"Or what?"

I gripped his wrist as he pulled on my shirt. He was laughing. Like a sick masochist. I didn't understand. He used more force until I had no choice but to stand or be strangled. I could tell Beatle wanted to do something, but he didn't want to draw any more attention than already had been. I peered up at Mi, the messy stubble on his face, the disgusted look on his face.

He dropped my shirt and pushed me hard in the chest. I stumbled and fell to the ground in between the two rows of tables. I caught Hayden's glance as I fell. I was a horrible brother. He was right for not wanting people to know I was related to him. I was an embarrassment.

"Fucking faggot." Mi laughed. I looked down at the dirty floor, my hands skimming over it as I breathed deeply. I tried to slow down my racing heart. I heard Beatle's fist bang loudly against the table.

But when I heard a fist collide with Mi's face, it wasn't Beatle's.

"Don't touch my fucking brother!" Hayden's voice rang out, silencing all the chatter in the lunch room. All eyes were on us now.

I looked up to see Hayden rubbing his fist and Mi standing with a shell-shocked expression. But Mi's expression paled in comparison to mine.

I couldn't believe what had happened.

Half of me felt like I was still asleep.

My homophobic brother, whom hated me, just punched Mi.

"And you were just going to watch?" Hayden lowered his voice only about a tone, turning his attention to Beatle. He opened his mouth and then closed it again.

"Fucking coward."

I pulled myself up from the floor and wiped the dirt from the seat of my pants. I wanted to come to Beatle's defense. I was the real coward, I should have said something earlier. I should have hit Mi.

Yeah, right. You, hit Mi. Funny.

I looked between them. And suddenly, I was more confused than I had ever been in my life.

I thought I knew who to trust, who could be there for me. But as I replayed the scene of my brother punching Mi and then shaming Beatle, I realized I didn't know anything.

I glanced around before hightailing it out of the cafeteria and into the hallway, looking for the nearest bathroom.

I pushed open the door and stared into the mirror, relieved to find that this washroom was empty. I turned on the sink and let my hand flood with water before splashing my face. I felt like I was in some lame face wash commercial. I clutched my chest, willing my heart to slow down. It was beating at such a pace it seemed it would explode inside of me.

The door creaked open and I turned my attention towards the wall. I used one hand to brace myself against it as I continued to keep one hand clenched over my heart.

"Lake?" The voice was soft. It wasn't Beatle's and it wasn't Hayden's. I turned to see Whiskey standing in front of the closed door, looking at me with a concerned expression.

I sucked in a deep breath before speaking.

"Why do you like him?"

His eyes widened and he ran his hand through his red hair. His teeth fell down onto his bottom lip as his eyebrows furrowed.

"What are you talking about?"

"Mi. Why do you like him?"

"I-I-I," He cast a glance to the floor and shook his head, "I don't know."

Whiskey leaned into the wall next to me, letting it support his weight.

"He's homophobic."

"I know."

"He's violent."

"I know."

"He's going to break your heart."

Whiskey let out a sigh from beside me and threw his head back to look at the ceiling.

He whispered, "I know."

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