Chapter 1: Sometimes Desperate is the only option

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I sit alone at my usual table, outside and alone where no one else spends lunch.

It does make sense.. This fall is freezing, but I rather freeze than be around people.

People. Broken.

People broke me, I will never be the same. I guess I'm just desperate to get away. Maybe I should move? That would only resolve one thing. Getting away from the people here. Not everywhere.

I stop thinking my thoughts and unzip my bag and grab my notebook. I start drawing emotions that I feel at the moment.

I draw a girl, in the corner of a room full of people. She's crouched down and crying buckets of water. Her face covered by her hands. No one walks over. No one at all.

She just continues crying. No one comes, no one cares.

The bell rings, so I quickly throw my notebook in my book bag and run to Algebra.

Today we're learning about Polynomials. I could care less about "Polynomials." Why can't I learn how to pay a bill? Open a bank account? Actual things that I'll need in life. Necessary skills.

I'm in a daze, and all of a sudden I hear someone calling my name.

Crystal? I hear..

"CRYSTAL!" my teacher screams "Please focus!"

I can't focus, I can't. My face heats up. I'm getting angry.. Aggravated. I want to say something, speak. Instead I manage to do something that will get me on my teachers bad side.

I stand up, take a deep breath, & flip the teacher off. She quickly walks to her phone, I'm guessing to call the office. I bolt.

I come to a fast walk as I'm near the exit of the building. I push the doors feeling the cool breeze. Escape. I whisper under my breath " I can see a meeting with the principal in my future." I take a breath, exhale hard & keep on walking to nowhere.


Hey guys!! I would just like to let you all know that I do tend to make short chapters xox. Have a beaut. Day!

♡ Sad Girls Don't Cry ♡Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora