"So what's the plan?" I asked and looked over to the doctor. Jean turned, looking down at her tablet for a moment before speaking. 

"The plan is we question her first, see what we can get out of her. If not then... We will be using brute force."

"You're gonna beat it out of her?" I stared at the two telepaths in mild shock. Jean rolled her eyes and I heard Logan snort behind me. I frowned in confusion, not understanding what else they could mean. 

"Not quite," The Professor said, his eyes never leaving the glass. "I will be entering her mind to dig the information out. It is something I do not like doing, but lives are at risk and I know it'll be the only way to get information out of her." His voice sounded bland and I knew that he wasn't looking forward to this. He took the safety of the kids here very seriously and he knew that if the Weapon-X program was back then mutants everywhere would be in serious danger. 

I grimaced a little before turning my attention back to the girl behind the glass. "Well, I guess you have to do it if it's the only option," I said softly. I didn't like the idea of Xavier forcefully pushing through her mind, the kid was probably brainwashed somehow but no one deserved that. Mind games were worse than any physical torture. Your mind is vulnerable, it takes longer to heal and in some cases it never does. 

The girl stirred again, pulling at her hands which were cuffed to the table. She raised her head slowly, staring at her hands before then looking up. Her eyes were purple, but they were blank as if the lights were on but nobody was home. She looked all but dead apart from the rise and fall in her chest and I felt my body shiver, feeling as if her eyes were staring directly into the core of my being, even if she couldn't see us from behind the glass. She glanced around, her movements robot and I doubted it was just from the sedative. 

"So..." I turned away from the glass, "Who's going in?" I asked and rose my brow. Jean didn't look up as she answered. 


It was my turn to snort. 

"You want to send Logan, my dad, in to interrogate her? He has the communication skills of a rock." I huffed incredulously. I turned to look at my dad, only to see him smirking before he pushed his way off of the wall. He strode over to the door that leads into the other room and walked inside without hesitation. I blinked, shaking my head to myself as I took a seat in one of the chairs to watch. Xavier pressed a button which I assumed allowed us to hear what was going on inside.

Logan walked over to the table but he didn't take a seat. The girl looked at him but didn't say anything. She knew she couldn't get out, but I knew she wasn't going to give up any information. Not if she was brainwashed has severely as I thought she was. 

"So... You got a name, kid?" Not the question I thought he would ask first. 

She didn't give a reply, she probably didn't even have a sense of identity anymore. 

Logan nodded a little and leaned forward on the table. "Alright then, let's try a different question... What're are you?" He asked and I realised then that he was going to be treating her like a robot rather than a person. 

"A weapon." I blinked at the reply and saw Logan glance towards the glass as if to try and see our reactions. The girl stared at him, blinking slowly. Logan rose a brow at her. 

"What's your purpose?" 

"To destroy or capture all failed projects of the Weapon X program." 

Logan pulled back a little. It was a similar response to what we had last time. 


She didn't respond. Logan tried again. 

"Who are you working for?"

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