Who Is He?

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Logan's POV

I was at the school, watching the students here get along and play as they enjoyed the great weather Ororo had put on. She'd been in a happy mood that day, and she had it raining most of the week for her plants, and the students were going insane from the lack of outdoors, so she moved and thinned out the clouds, bringing the sun forth and breeze to keep the heat at bay. All in all, it was the perfect day. That was, until, Kitty's high pitched scream filled the calm atmosphere. Me, Scott, Jean and Storm all looked at each other before running off towards where we heard it.

When we got there, Kitty was standing, her hands over her mouth, with Rogue as the students started to gather around in wonder, and judging by the sounds they were making, disgust. We pushed our way through the crowd that was quickly building to see the main gate, but this time, with an extra. I looked up to see a boy with brown messy hair, impaled by the spike, soaked from the heavy downpour. It had gone all the way through, so I was sure he was dead, I mean, he wasn't moving or breathing. The boy looked around 17/18 in my opinion, and he was wearing just normal, casual clothing, a bit grim I suppose, but he didn't seem like a colourful person. There didn't seem to be any signs that he could be dangerous from what I saw, which is why it confused me.

Ororo managed to try and move some of the students away while Scott and I worked on getting the kid down. It wasn't easy, but after few minutes, we managed to get him off and on to the floor with a horrible sounding squish and thud. Jean was the first to him, kneeling by his side and looking at him, pure shock, disgust and pity over her face.

"He's still alive.." She muttered. I suppose using her mind powers to sense life in the kid. We all looked at each other.

"That can't be right.. the boy has a hole in his stomach.." Scott said, looking at the young boy's body. He was right, there was a hole going all the way through. His shirt was heavily bloodstained, which was expected really, and a few cuts and scrams plastered his dirty skin.

"Well, he is... Some how.. We need to get him down to my lab.." Jean replied as she stood, looking at Scott, who nodded and bent down to pick the kid up. He wrapped his arms around the body and went to move it, but nothing happened. I could see the kid was fairly muscular, but he couldn't be that heavy, surely.

"Uh, yeah, I'm gonna need some help.." He looked over at me and I rolled my eyes, heading over to pick up the kids body. Okay, I was wrong, he was heavy, but I managed on my own.

I headed down to the med lab where Jean had already set everything up, Scooter followed me as Storm was still trying to calm the students. Rogue also came along, holding a sobbing Kitty as she tried to get her mind around what she saw.

"Scott.. Try and see if you can get any sense out of the girls, would ya?" I looked over at him as he nodded and stopped the girls from walking. I turned back to the doorway of the med lab and walked on through, seeing Jean in her doctor's vest.

"Set him down on the table." She said as she heard me walk in. I nodded and did as instructed, placing the boy down. He still looked lifeless and dead to me, which kinda creeped me out since I swear I saw his eye twitch. I grimaced and looked at Jean who was already doing her thing.

After a long while of running tests and scans, she came up with her conclusion and something more by the looks of her face. She didn't tell me what it was though, of course.

"We just need to let him rest.." She said as she looked at him, "He needs time, but he should be fine."

"Time to what?" I asked, "Heal?" Heavy on the sarcasm, "The kid has a hole going through him! He can't just heal from that!" I exclaimed as she nodding knowingly.

"He can.. He has a healing factor.." She explained as I looked at her, "Someone has injected a drug which slows it down.." She grabbed a needle from the side filled with a green is liquid that made me shudder with a memory. "All I need to do is give him the antidote and he'll soon heal up." I flinched when she inserted the needling into his arm, and I think he did too... But only a fraction.

After that she had me change him into some cleaner and dry clothes, which were white and just simple really, like what I had once worn here. Jean then hooked him up to monitoring machines that kept an eye of his heart rate as it had started to come back in faint, small beeps. He was pretty much dead, which in all honesty, was kinda sad. Not that I was pitying the stranger or anything, it was just... Sad...

I was snapped out of my train of thought when Jean called my name. I turned to look at her and she was by the door, taking off her vest.

"Come on, we gotta speak to the Professor." She said calmly as I nodded and glanced back at the kid before following her out.

Son of Wolverine (X-Men/Wolverine FanFic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon