Awake and Alert

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Jason's POV

I woke up with a gasp, instantly feeling a hot searing pain shoot through me as my body arched upwards, making me wince. I coughed harshly before feeling my breaths become easier and softer on my chest, which felt like someone was using as a seat. I had to check to see if anyone was, but no, there was nothing on my chest... Looking at my chest, I realised my shirt was gone, and the only thing I could see was a few wires leading off and if I really strained to look, a bandage wrapped around my upper stomach. It was only then that I remembered what had happened, all the pain and visions coming back in one huge sweep. I growled under my breath a tried to sit up, yelling out with pain. I clutched my stomach as I pushed my self up, bringing my leg's off the bed I was on, cursing under my breath as I looked around to see where I was. It was no place I recognised so that meant I had to wander around to get a look, probably a bad idea but then again, my whole life is a bad idea. I smiled at that thought as I slowly slid off the bed, placing my bare feet on the floor, but not standing yet as I felt then wires pull. I ripped them off and tossed them to the side, hearing the machines go off with a loud, continuous beep. I sighed and considered stabbing the machine to shut it up, but it looked expensive and I doubt I could pay it off. Instead, I just tried to ignore it, standing up off the bed. The moment I released my weight off the table my legs fell from under me, the weight of my body too much for my weak legs. My stomach also started to pull which only made me roar out in agony as I fell onto my hand and knees, my other hand clutching the bandage on my stomach as I tried to sniff for blood. I couldn't smell anything, which was good. However, at that moment I smelt the scent of two human beings, one smelt masculine, the other more female. I heard footsteps as well, so I guessed they must've entered the room. I didn't really pay much attention though since I was still feeling a hot pain pulse around my torso. I felt a woman put her hands on me gently and try to push me into an upright position, making me wince and gulp down another roar. She placed me against another body, which was the man, I could easily tell. He held me as I tried to fight away from him, I felt scared at the time and confused. I didn't recognise either of them but the woman was wearing a lab coat, which reminded me of all too much. I heard the woman try and calm me with a soothing voice, but I didn't take to it.

"Who the hell are you?! What do you want from me?!" I asked angrily, still struggling against the male's grip.

"Listen to me, you need to calm down, okay? We're not going to hurt you." The redhead said softly, I didn't believe her of course. Although, I felt like I should. I wanted to trust her, I really did, but I'd fallen for that too many times, and I wouldn't let it happen again, and most definitely not while I was in such a weak state. I continued to fight, ignoring the pain that was still there and getting worse with every struggling move I made. The man kept his grip easily, which really pissed me off to the end of Earth and back, and the woman continued to try and calm me down. This was just getting more and more irritating and I was about to bring out my weapon when suddenly I stopped moving, it was against my free will but I did stop moving, and it didn't feel forced strangely enough. The whole scene seemed to just calm down and so did I. My chest was heaving as I breathed deeply, still being held by the guy behind me, and a voice travelled into my mind, not sounding like anyone I know.

'You are alright, Jason. Please try and calm down, we have no intentions to hurt you. We just want to help.' The voice spoke, it was male and full of reassurance and comfort. It was soft and kind and trustworthy. I calmed down after hearing it, but I was still on my guard as I heard someone else come in. I looked at the door to see a man in a wheelchair roll in. He was wearing a suit, old looking and bald. He had a warm smile and he was calm and relaxed, something I wasn't very used to when it came to people around me. The red-headed woman next to me looked slightly relieved, not calm but not scared either, and the man's muscles were tensed, but not with fear, more determination or just pure anger and irritation.

"You're hurt." The old man said simply as he continued to roll forward, "Struggling wasn't exactly the best idea in the world, was it?" He smiled and stopped moving when he got to me. His voice was easily recognisable as the one I heard in my head. I didn't ask questions though, because it wasn't hard to guess how he could do that.


I thought as I looked down. I could feel his smile, obviously hearing my conclusion although I didn't mean for him to hear. Not that is mattered, but still.

"Who are you?" I asked, keeping my head down as I caught my breath.

"My name is Charles Xavier, I'm a professor at the school you are in. These are some of the teachers here: Jean Grey and Logan Howlett. Jean also happens to have some medical knowledge, and has been taking care of you." He explained lightly, and I nodded in response. I had heard of Charles' name before, and Logan, but not Jean. I didn't know where I heard them, though. My mind was all fuzzy and I was finding it hard to get everything straight.

"Where am I exactly?" I asked as I looked up at him, all my concentration on the man in front of me.

"You're in one of the lower levels in my school for mutants. A few of my students found you outside and I had you brought here for treatment. Although, it would seem you wouldn't have needed it. Jean told me about your mutation, which is the only reason you're still alive." He pointed out softly. I lifted my head up to look at him, something snapping inside my head.

Wait... He said Logan Howlett... But... That's.. I trailed off, not wanting the old man reading all my thoughts again. I really hated telepaths...

"Yeah, healing factor things are awesome," I muttered, rolling my eyes.

"They are when you have them and they work... Yours was being slowed by a drug injected into your system. Jean had an antidote which allowed you to heal a little bit, although you're not fully healed, yet." He almost smirked but didn't. I just growled under my breath causing Logan to tighten his grip. I winced a little and glared at him before stopping and looking away. I shouldn't be glaring at him, really. Not with who he was to me. Although I had many reasons to me glaring and much worse.

"Yeah, I really hate that drug.. That jerk always uses it in our fights to 'even the scores'." I scoffed and shook my head before looking at the man behind me. "Wanna let me go, doggy?" I smirked. The anger flashed in his eyes and he raised his eyebrow, letting me go a little roughly. He stood up, leaving me on the floor behind the red-headed nurse, Jean.

"You got a mouth, kid... You better watch it before it lands you in trouble." Logan growled and I stood slowly, Jean helping me a little.

"First, I'm not a kid. I'm 18... And secondly, I can handle myself, old man.. Thanks." I muttered as he just frowned and turned to leave, Xavier watching the other man. He looked over at me who was still just standing, holding the table I was lead on to keep myself up.

"You might want to get yourself checked up and sorted first. You can come upstairs later after classes and maybe some food? We can discuss some things then." He smiled once more before turning and following Logan out, making me huff in annoyance.

Guess it was just me and Jean.

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