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I had spent a few hours with the group before Jean shooed everyone away to go get some rest. Warren and Colossus helped me back to my room, even though I said I was fine to walk on my crutches. Piotr ended up picking up anyways and Jean couldn't stop laughing even as I struggled in his arms to be put down. 

The next morning I had basically healed up, thank god. There was still traces of Lyncthium in my system that prevented them from healing up completely without the anti-serum but I could move around now as my healing factor had taken over through the night. 

Jean had come down to clear me from bedrest and told me that Logan would come by to get me when they were ready to question the girl. I took that time to shower up after the mission and change into some clean clothes, mostly to get rid of the smell of blood but also just because I looked like absolute crap. I managed to barely brush out the knots in my hair when Logan stopped by. 

He knocked his fist on the open door and I turned to face him. He looked at me for a second before shaking his head. "Remind me to either get you a hairbrush or a hair cut." He said when he noticed I was sat using my hand as a makeshift brush. My hair was almost to my shoulders at this point and never brushing it at this length was probably not a good thing.

I only smirked and pulled out another knot before just pushing the strands back, "Whatever, you're just jealous." I said and flicked my hair over my shoulder like some hair commercial advert. Logan only rolled his eyes and turned to walk off down the hall. "Come on, Charles wants to get some answers." I quickly followed after him, making sure to shut my door behind me even though there was nothing really valuable in there anyways, aside from my mother's necklace.

Logan lead me to a room I didn't recognise and I was pretty sure that the area we were in wasn't for casual use for the students. It looked different from the rest of the school, less wood and more metal and harsh edges. I felt a little on edge; it made me wonder what type of secrets this place and the Professor had. 

We walked down a bright white corridor that reminded me of the vehicle bay and down to a room at the end. Logan headed down to the end, hands in his pockets as if this were the most uninteresting thing. Honestly, I wondered what type of things got the guy excited enough to crack a smile. Or any sort of human expression. 

He opened the door, walking in first and I followed behind. The inside reminded me of a police interrogation room. All clean cut and bright. The area in front of us had a desk and chairs set in front of a window. On the other side, behind the glass, sat two chairs, one either side of the small table. The rest of the room was bare of any sort of colour or decoration and honestly, I pitied whoever was forced to sit behind there for more than a couple of hours. Speaking of...

Inside that room was the girl from before, her mask and hood pulled away to reveal her face. Her injuries had been treated but she was still currently knocked out, put under a sedative and a steady dose of Lyncthium to keep her under. Her head was down, long black hair hung around her face. It was longer than I had assumed. She was pale and her face even looked a little sunken. She didn't exactly look good. I closed the door behind me and turned to look at everyone else in the room. Jean was there, of course, and so was the Professor. I expected maybe Scott or Storm too but then I remembered it was a Monday and they were probably running classes. If that were the case then I don't know how Logan was here. The timetables here always confused me.

"The sedative will be wearing off soon," Jean spoke up. I looked up at her to see her staring through the glass, possibly looking for the signs of the sedative wearing off. I nodded a little and folded my arms, noticing the girl now shuffling a little. It was more like twitching really, but I assumed it meant she was coming to.

Son of Wolverine (X-Men/Wolverine FanFic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora