Sleep disturbance pt2

Start from the beginning


As Colby and I walk through the automatic doors as it beeps, I stop walking out of no where. Colby grabs a hold of my hand.

"It's ok Sammy, I'm here for you. Everything will be alright, I promise"-He said reassuring me. I nod, as I tighten my grip on his hand.

We walk to the reception, as we saw a lady typing very fast onto the key board.

"Who are you booked in for"-She asks looking at the both of us.

"Sam Golbach"-I reply. As I watch her finger go over the mouse as she scrolls down the page which was on her screen.

"Ok, just take a seat shouldn't be too long"-She said pointing to the rows of seats.


"Sam Golbach"-A lady walks out smiling, I look at Colby, grab his hand as I stood up. She smiles as she waits for us to get closer.

"Hello how are you guys"-She asks happily.

"We're good, just a couple things which is exactly why we're here"-Colby answers for me. She opens the door to her office, and guides us to some chairs, as we take a seat in front of her.

"So Sam.. tell me what's been going on, even little details so I can piece them together"-She asks intertwining both of her hands resting them on her desk leaning forward.

"Well I have a really big struggle sleeping, b-because of these voices. And I have lost appetite, and I'm just never motivated"-I manage to say, looking her in the eye for some of it, but to shy to keep eye contact.

"Ok Sam thanks for telling me. What do these 'voices' say to you"-She asks seeming quite interested now.

"They will go on and on about how it's my fault, how I should die, and they never wanted me. B-but the one that hurt the m-most was he doesn't love you"-I said sounding upset.

"I'm sorry about that Sam, why do you think this is happening and why such detailed things"-She asks resting her chin in her hand. I shake me head not wanting to respond, Colby gently grabs my hand.

"His parents died in a car crash, and their last few words were about Sam. And Sam thinks it's his fault and that night he shouldn't of anything that night"-Colby speaking up, looking at the the lady.

"I see. Sam do you.. feel depressed at all"-She asks.

"I'm honestly not sure, I just feel upset about myself all the time"-Sam frowns.

"Ok my description Sam, is to get out of the house and do things, don't get cooped up. And I know this might not be any help, but if you can't sleep at night then maybe try in the day. If that doesn't I'll give you further information on what you can do,you seem comfortable around Colby try and see if he'll help you sleep"-She smiles.

"O-ok Thank you for your time"-Sam smiles, standing from his chair as Colby and I both walk out.


Colby and I have been at home for about twenty minutes, and I have some sort of high hopes. Currently I'm just sitting on the couch with Colby's arm wrapped around me, I feel secure around him.

"Sam. Do you want to go out and do something"-Colby asks putting his hand on my thigh as he is speaking.

"No not really I just want to hug you"-I question thinking of ideas myself.

"Oh come on we could just get ice cream, and when we get back we can just watch Netflix for the rest of the day."-He smiles. I smile stand up grab his hand and snatch the keys running out the door.

"Woah Sammy! I'll drive"-He said standing in front of me.

"But I want to drive"-I said jingling the keys. He attaches his lips to mine moving them slowly, as he goes for my hand taking the keys.

"I'm driving"-He said smirking walking towards the car. I follow him getting in.

"I love you Sam"-He smiles, using one hand to hold mine and the other to control the car.

"I love you too Colby, so much"-I said as a tint of pink washes over my pale cheeks.

Once we've arrived at the ice cream shop, where Colby and I always go we choose what we want and sit at a table. A guy walks past me and nudges my shoulder pushing me more than I anticipated. I turn to glare at him, only having a glare sent back, but mine quickly turns from a glare to sudden fear. I look at Colby and he has anger in his eyes. It can't be him, no. Colby slams his hands on the table standing up walking towards the guy who has now sat down. Colby opens his mouth and begins to talk.


Hi guys thought I would tell you I am changing the cover of this book whatever you want to call it, which you will shortly see. Reason why is I just want something different, slightly annoyed looking at the same cover 😂



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