I will have him pt2

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As the blonde boy walked home head down. Not as happy as always was, he just couldn't figure out what it was. But he realised he loves Colby, now he's starting to wonder if he regrets his feelings. He just can't decide on what he wants, he wants Colby he wants to live a life with Colby. But how can he when Colby doesn't bother with him, and not showing how caring he is.

That was when Sam realised, if Colby is trying to ingnore Sam it's not Colby with the issue something brought it upon him. And he wasn't having it. Earlier that day Katrina put her phone number into Sam's even though Sam didn't want it.
Instead he tried to text her.

S- Samuel
K- Katrina


S- Hey Katrina, I need
some advice

K- What's up babe

S- For starters don't
call me that. Second,
what do you do if someone
you love, is showing you
less love then what they
have in the past.

K- Then the person
obviously doesn't care
about the person as much as
the other loves them, if I were
in that position. I would
break up with them

S- But what if you
love them, and you don't
know what their feeling

K- Life happens for a
reason, just see what
is the best for those

S- Can't believe I'm
saying this but thank you

K- It's ok, are you alright ❤️

S- Yeah, just need advice
for one of my friends,
thanks Kat.

K- Your welcome 💖


End of texting conversation

I make my way into my path to the entrance of my house. I walk in drop my bag and go upstairs, and try to call Colby.

The brunette knew he fucked up, but he doesn't want anything to happen to his lover. No matter if he can't show it, he will always love Sam. Colby was in his thoughts when his phone went off.

It read Sam
He let it ring, he ignored it
Hey Colby, I hope your ok and we can talk this out I really need you at this time

I ingnored it I hated it. The brunette loved Sam, he really did. His phone went off again with multiple texts from Sam. And two more voicemails.

Colby please call me back I know your listening to these you can't keep ingnoring me.

Colby please I love you, your making me worried please. Text call, whatever you want I need to know your ok and we're ok.

And despite how much he loved the blonde he ingnored it, I'm sorry Sam I love you.

The next day

I walked into the hall towards my class, and today I didn't walk to school with Sam, it felt strange I have to admit. I walk in and sit at my desk. The bell rang and Sam hadn't arrived yet, I was kinda worried but relieved. What's going on with me. The teacher began to call the roll.

No response
"Sam are you here"
Nothing, normally when he's away I say he isn't here I didn't today, because honestly I wasn't sure.
It was about thirty minutes into class, then Sam burst in.
"Sorry I'm late sir"-He said out of breathe
"Why are you so late Sam, you look drenched!"-Teacher said in concern.
"Yeah, I uh- it's raining and I was running late, sorry it won't happen again"-He said bending over hands on his thighs, taking a breath.
Colby missed being able to hold, touch ( 👀😏) or even look at Sam.
"It's ok, I'll let it slide today"-He said gesturing for Sam to sit.
Which he did next to me not bothering to look up and got his things out. What shocked me is he was talking to Kat. Of course it had to be her.
Class went by, and I walked in to my next class which was without Sam.
That went by surprisingly quick.

I was walking out of the class room and heading to my locker to put things away.
I opened my locker and paper fell out, I'm guessing this was what Sam put in. I picked it up and it had a lot of writing.

Dear Colby, my love.
Right now I don't know what your feeling or how your life is right now. And I have to admit I really miss you, and I don't know why your avoiding me I love you Colby, but. I don't know how you feel. I only want what's best for you. So in order for me to do that I'm making the decision to let our relationship go, I love you I always will. But it seems you don't feel the same. I can't be with someone who doesn't put 100%. I love you forever and always. Thank you for what you've done.

- Sam <3

I had tears going down my face.
Colby's head -
This all fucking Katrina's fault if she would just except the fact that he was with me we would be perfect. But NO she had to come in to our lives and rip it apart piece by piece. She messed with my head, and she ruined my relationship.

"Hey Colby"-( speak of the devil )
"What you want Katrina! You got what you wanted"-I yelled

"Whatever do you mean"-She said crossing her arms leaning to one side.

"Me and Sam broke up, there you happy. But just so you know your can't un- gay him"-I said closing my locker walking away looking down at the note. A tear fell onto the paper over the word love.

The school day went by.

I enter my house and see Gage, sitting watching TV. I sit down next to him and watch it too. Normally Thursdays Sam comes over for dinner, but tonight he isn't. And nor am I. I will fix this. I get up go upstairs and get into nicer clothes.
A plain black shirt, black jeans black vans and my black beanie. I wore this cause Sam thinks it's cute. I will get Sam back, I need him in my life. I don't care anymore, she can tell the school but I just want to be with Sam, he is the love of my life.
I walk downstairs out the door and head to Sam's. I walk his path and knock on his door. Sam answers.

"Hey"-I said with my hands in my pocket.
"Hey, glad you came around come on in"-He said. I followed him to his basement where we always hang out.
I sit down slight facing him.
"Sam I love you, I want you back I fucking need you back. I made a mistake I was being harassed, I only wanted you safe I'm sorry. Katrina threatened she's tell the school, and I knew you weren't ready. I'm sorry Sam I love you"-I said going to grab his hand, which I did leaving it there.

"Colby I love you too but I'm sorry-


Cliffhanger, what will happen next will Sam keep distant, will they get together. Does Sam and Kat have something to hide. Find out on Friday. Thank you guys for reading

Again just to know you guys actually like this and want more please vote comment, so I know to continue.


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