Sleep disturbance pt2

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Holy shit, I fell asleep. I actually did it.
I smile as a strong feeling of success washes over me, I turn over hoping to see Colby. But instead I only see the wall and the blanket of the bed folded over. "Colby.."-I muttered quietly, I look around the room, then Colby walks in.

"Morning Sammy, thought I'd bring you breakfast in bed"-He smiled walking over to me, with tray that had a variety of food.

He handed it to me as I happily took it. Once it was securely in my hands, he sat on the bed as it dipped down.

"I did it Colby I fell asleep"-I say happily, but still in shock.

"I know love, I'm so proud of you"-He smiled leaning in placing a kiss on my forehead.

"But we have to go out at 11, I've booked you a appointment to see a psychologist. Hopefully we can sort out your sleeping. I hate seeing you scared, it breaks my heart"-He said grabbing a hold of my hand, looking at me waiting for my response.

"Thank you Colby,but I'm not sure it'll help. I was taken to one by my aunt,they just said I need to set a sleeping schedule and stick to it, sleeping was the thing I was struggling with."-I sigh grabbing the spoon which sat in a bowl of cereal feeding myself some.

"I'll get you the help you need Sam, and you can count on that"-Colby smiles, kissing Sam on the nose, and walking over to Sam's closet. I watch him rummage through it until he picks something and tosses it over to the bed.

"Put that on love take your time I'll see you downstairs and we'll go"-He smiles, as I return a real smile back watching him leave. As I sit in my position I open my mouth yet again to tell something to Colby.

"Thank you Colby I love you!"-I yelled hearing happiness in my own voice.

"I love you too Sammy"-I can almost hear him smile through his words.


I make my way to the living room, as I see Colby on his phone leaning on the counter I notice he hasn't seen me yet, so I decide to sneak up behind him. I quietly make my way behind Colby and wrap my arms around him hugging him tightly, I feel him jump as I chuckle to his sudden action.

"Sammy"-He laughs. I just smile, as he turns around.

"You seem a lot happier"-He said putting both his hands on the sides of my face to angle my face better, as he gently pecks me on the lips.

"Yeah.. I'm proud that i even managed to sleep. But if it weren't for you Colby I'd look so much worse. You take such good care of me and I am very appreciative of that, thank you Colby"-I say with a great care in my voice hugging him tightly.
He chuckles leading it with a grin.

"Come on let's go"-He smiled grabbing my hand, as he gets the keys which sit on the counter opening the door as we both walk out to his car. Once we get in the car I start to feel nervous as my palms start to get a little sweaty making me wipe them on my jeans. Colby noticed this.

"What's wrong Sam"-He said starting to put the car into gear but still interested into what I had to say.

"I-I'm nervous Colby. I'm gonna have to talk a lot I'm not good at that"-I stutter as I start to feel like my insides have just turned.

"It's ok Sammy this is for the better,I'll go in with you and make sure I'll help you. Just give me a signal, but know some of it you will have to answer ok love"-He said putting his hand on my thigh.

"Ok Colby, I trust you."-I said putting my own hand on top of his as I smile looking out the window waiting for the 15 minute drive to begin.

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