Tears welled in my eyes as I flicked through, delicately running my fingers over each photo, each letter, each date as if I could bring it to life. Finally, I turned to the final page to reveal an ultrasound photo with my name scribbled beside it above the words 'our happy ending'.

Before I had the chance to cry, a scream echoed from upstairs and my head shot around to see Zach's. His emotionless expression was replaced with dread and worry and his grip on my hand was so tight it was painful.

Liam shared our worry and the three of us were frozen in place. The sound of all our hearts beating rapidly thundered in my ears and I found myself holding my breath when I picked up on several equally fast heartbeats from upstairs.

"Where are they?" A deep voice asked from upstairs and I snarled before bounding up the stairs to where the group of people froze in the darkness.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" I roared, absolutely furious. Liam and Zach were quick to join me upstairs and I still had the photo album clutched in my hand when I felt my claws split through my skin and my fangs break free from my gums.

"We might have followed you." Ryder shrugged while I growled angrily.

"Its a full moon Ryder!" I reminded him. "How dare you."

"So its fine for them to leave but not us?" He challenged, nodding towards the two guys who stood either side of me like security guards.

"I asked them to come. I didn't give any of you permission to leave and this was actually private. Go home, all of you," I ordered, folding my arms across my chest.

"What is this place?" Caroline asked, venturing further into the room and completely disregarded my orders.

"Caroline," I warned and then turned to Mason. "You shouldn't be here, its a full moon for gods sake. Go home, now."

"He can't go all the way home from here on his own," Caroline scoffed, taking Masons hand and leading him round into the hallway.

I stormed after her with my fists clenched and felt my eyes burning amber. "No, you will all go with him. Now where the hell are the others?" I turned back to Ryder and Alexia and raised my eyebrows, waiting for their reply.

"Blake and Jordan stayed at home, I think they were scared." Alexia rolled her eyes.

"Wasn't it you who screamed a minute ago?" Liam laughed and she shot him an evil glare.

"There was a massive spider," she snapped and immediately, Liams gaze flitted to my scowling face before he burst into a fit of laughter.

"I don't care." I grabbed Carolines arm and dragged her back through the house and to the front door. "You are all going straight home. Now."

"Ella-," Ryder started but I cut him off.

"Now!" I yelled.

"We won't get home before the moon rises," Caroline announced in a sing song tone. "Who knows what we might do if we turn in town." She sighed and grabbed Masons hand. "But, you heard her. Now," she imitated before turning to leave.

Ryder raised his eyebrows impatiently and shrugged before following them. "I swear to god," I growled, not willing to risk them not getting back in time. They all turned back with smirks sprawled across their faces. "Don't ever follow me again."

Alexia shrugged. "We're curious. So why are we here?" She asked.

"I'm here because the address was written in my moms diary and a load of my parents stuff is downstairs. You're here because you can't follow the rules," I snapped back.

"Well I learnt from the best. I miss the fun Ella that always broke her dads rules." She turned to Ryder. "Remember her?" She grinned.

"Yeah, she was great." Ryder smiled as if reminiscing and I growled.

"Just, don't break anything that isn't already rotten and smashed and try and figure out what the hell we are going to do with him for the night," I instructed, pointing towards a pale looking Mason.

I then turned back to the two brothers who looked quite amused by the situation. "Help me box the stuff up?" I asked and they nodded. "I want to take it home with us."


Hey guys!
I haven't left an authors note in a while so I just wanted to say hey! How are you all?

Thank you so so much to all of you that are reading and voting on each chapter, it honestly makes my day!

Please, please vote and comment if you don't already, I really enjoy reading your comments and every vote makes me so happy!

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