Chapter 4: see you later

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It was early in the morning , it had been a week since the incident with Ron had happened .

Today was a very special day for Hermione as she had her train to Hogwarts today and she had not been ready. Well , she had packed her trunk and also managed to keep her stuff properly but ,because of all that had happened recently she was distracted and forgot about this important day. She got ready took a flight to London, got out of the London airport ordered a cab and went to the Kings Kross Railway Station.

She walked till platform 8 and her pace got slower and slower as she neared platform 9 and she came to a halt without knowing the fact that she had reached the barrier between platform 9 and10. She looked up at the sign board 1 side was platform 9 and on the other was platform 10 she felt her heart racing she could not understand why was she feeling this way she wondered maybe it was because of the because of the fear of bringing back all the memories of the war, all of them by just crossing this barrier but she stopped her feelings and told herself that she could do it, she cannot let her past pull her back from the future so she just kissed her palm and put it on her heart and that was all the encouragement she needed to walk straight into the barrier .
She opened her eyes slowly and saw a gleaming maroon train with the letters The Hogwarts Express written on it , with steam pouring out of the top ,the site was just like the first time she walked through those barriers with her parents . She forgot all the things that were going inside heṛ head before and now the only thing she could see was little girls hugging their parents, boys being kissed on the forehead by their mothers, mothers settling their kids hair . And that was exactly what had happened 8 years ago when she had come here.

Her chain of thought was broken by a horn and the call of 'all aboard'. She started walking towards the last coach as she knew that it was reserved for the professors . As she passed she heard gasps and her name being whispered by people but in a way she understood was nice. She got onto the coach and saw a person coming towards her but he looked kind of lost and was walking with his head tilted towards the floor Hermione wanted to move out of his way but due to the narrow passage she couldn't and the person bumped into her . The person looked up and apologised and just as he was going to move away he stopped midway, he turned back and had that happy glint in his eyes and Hermione looked at that face again and she recognised who it was. It was Neville . Hermione was so happy by seeing a known face after soooo long. He pulled Hermione into a full hug and Hermione accepted it gladly .mthe first words Neville spoke to her were, "Hermione I missed u soo much". Hermione told him the same and they both went to sit in the same compartment as they had in their first ride to Hogwarts . Hermione asked Neville why was he on the Hogwarts express in the first place and he told her he had been appointed as the herbiology professor and she told him that she had been appointed as the Defence against the dark arts professor . They talked for a quite long time but then he had to leave as he had made some new friends who were professors and had to go meet them. She was very happy that she was gonna be seeing a friendly face every day . She told Neville that she would love to catch up sometime soon . Then Neville left and Hermione started to feel a little tired due to all that journey via flight and all. She was just about to fall asleep but she was interrupted by the sound of the compartment door opening. She looked up and saw a man with a lean body shape with a hood over his head walk in , she was in a impression that Ron had followed her onto the Hogwarts express also but that man sat down and put that hood down o reveal a pair of beautiful grey eyes and eye catching blonde hair and Hermione couldn't look away.

Authors note: Hey guys I know it has been a very long time since I last posted sorry a lot of work came up . I am really sorry for the delay . Hope u guys enjoyed this chapter. Pls comment if u want any change in my writti g pattern oṛ how often u want me to post a chapter .
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Hoping u guys are liking my work causes I know I am working really hard to update and post and edit all that stuff so pls if u like pls comment and vote.
Have a nice day ahead:):):)

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