Chapter 3: Not him again

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  Note: this chapter might contain some abusive language .
Hermione found herself staring at him , when she completely processed who it was her anger started boiling inside of her the anger she had tried to control for a year. She tried putting hr gaze down but the long nose , those freckles , that red hair all jus didn't let her control her emotions . Ron took a step back, frightened from the anger burning in Hermione's ones warm ,soft brown eyes Hermione's hand was nearing towards her wand when she saw many muggles nearby and thought it might not be the best time for revenge. She just moved past him with pure disgust in her eyes and wondered what he was doing in Toronto. She just turned around to make sure no one was following her she ran to her house trying to not get noticed. She went in and locked her house using a spell that wouldn't allow anyone muggle or non muggle to enter her house . She put a silencing charm on her bedroom door and stood by her wardrobe . Soon she was sitting on the floor on her knees ,crying . All her rage had now changed into tears and were coming out from her caramel colluded eyes ,she sat there crying not knowing why. She had tried so hard to forget him, to not see him again , to get away from him she had purposely lost contact with her friends and the Wesley family which was like a second family to her . She sat there crying for what seemed like an eternity but when she tried to gain back her senses she stood up and started walking towards her bed because all she needed was rest . But as she was going to lie down she heard the house bell ringing and wished for whoever it was to go away but who it was at the door didn't stop ringing so she got up wiped her face , but it was not enough for her swollen eyes to look normal , but anyways she went downstairs and opened the door.
She looked at the person standing there and all of a sudden her rage started to show again she slapped that person whose hood now fell down because of the imapact and Hermione looked at him trying to figure out why had Ron followed her back to her house . She couldn't control and spilled every word like poison," you bloody bastard , how dare you follow me here, you are such an asshole " Hermione said . Ron tried to say something like " I would never have followed you if in our encounter you hadn't taken my ring that had come with you with your newspaper " Hermione screamed at him again" ha, you came back for the ring , is it that special to you , is it Ron weasely's engagement ring" this was the first time she had called his name in more than a year and now was regretting it. Ron then said"indeed it is so if you wouldn't waste my time like you did althose years by just being a book worm and not pleasing me with anything and give me my ring back." Hermione was taken aback she didn't knew that Ron just liked her for just to have sex with her . But now his wish was fulfilled and he was engaged to that blonde prostitute. She got more outraged by Ron's comment and she spoke" well for your kindest information I would like to tell you that's soon as I saw that it belonged to you I throw it into sewer so now I you don't hav anything lose to say just go fuck yourself out there.

She went back inside just giving him a last death stare . He was taken aback by knowing what Hermione had done to her ring and now what would he do when her fiance met him and saw that he had lost her ring.

Hermione locked the door again and went straight to the newspaper she had bought this morning she opened it and found a ring between the folds and took it and went straight up and threw it in the toilet and flushed it she felt some of her anger being flushed away with the ring which gave her a relief but also she felt a bit of guilt which was because of something she couldn't understand herself . She went to her bed and looked at the time and it was just 7 in the evening but still she felt very tired and went to sleep straight away and her dreams did come today again but with a new chapter with it. That was today's incident .

Authors note: I know this is quick and short most of these chapters will be this short only and I know I just posted the 2nd part but I guess I'll write some more and post it within three days and after that I guess I'll be really busy with my studies so this might be the last week I am posting after that my next posts will be in March . If you'll want me to make the chapters longer I will just comment below and I will put your request into action.
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Hope you have a great day .

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