Chapter 2: the unexpected letter

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  Hermione got dressed and started walking towards her kitchen she was starving as she had skipped last nights dinner because she was soo tired to even lift a spoon. While she started preparing her breakfast, she heard a knock on the window just in front of her she raised her head and to her astonishment she found oṭ to be an owl . It wasn't odd for Hermione to see owls but it was odd this time cause she had not received any owl as no one knew where she was living , not even Harry and Ginny knew where Hermione was now . She quickly opened the window and took the letter from the owl, it came in and started eating some cereals that had fallen on the kitchen table . Hermione opened the letter but before opening she saw a purple seal and writing in emarald green ink and she grew more curious as the seal had the emblem of Hogwarts school of witch craft and wizardry she opened the seal and took out the letter, before opening the letter she read the envelope and saw it had been written in a very neat writing which said :
To Miss. Granger,
27th Street ,
Honor Colony,
She opened the letter and read the letter which was written on fine yellow parchment,
Dear Miss Granger,
This to inform you ,that as you have completed your studies at Hogwarts school of witch craft and wizardry , and now are at the eligible age of holding a post at Hogwarts ,we would like to give you an offer to work as the Defence Against the Dark Arts professor .
We will be expecting your answer in at most 2 weeks .
Professor McGonagall

It took Hermione a few minutes to process the information that she had just received , she read the letter again and the once more . She was more than happy to see that she her passion she had discovered lately was going to get transformed into her occupation. Most people who knew Hermione thought that she wanted to become an auror but soon after graduating from Hogwarts after the battle of Hogwarts she thought that there was nothing more important than to educate young minds in the best way possible. She knew that she had two weeks until to think and reply but she had been waiting for this opportunity for 14 years and she couldn't wait any longer. She went and got a fresh piece of parchment and wrote down her reply accepting the offer and sent it with the school owl after feeding it . The happiness Hermione now felt was inexpressible as she would get busy wth school and might even get to forget her past and sṭart a new life. Hermione ate her breakfast and went to continue with her daily routine . After she had read a muggle novel for like two hours and was stiff from sitting in her chair she now wanted to stretch her legs for a while and so she thought of going and walk on the Canadian streets. She got up and put her scarf on and went out checking her pocket to make sure that she had her wand with her, that was something she had started doing sinice the battle as it had made Hermione aware of any kind of emergency or trouble she might get into. She then locked the door of her house , she used magic mostly inside her house as she was now of legal age and it might be difficult for anyone to trace her and she was well aware that Harry was now an auror which was her precious ambition. She started walking down hr street into the main road the came to walk outside really often as she thought gave her mind a rest from her thoughts that usually tired her out . She saw the lady that sold newspaper on the pavement today with almost her bag still full with unsold paper's and one thing she had been doing since a child has been , charity she is one of those people who get joy in sharing so she went to the lady and gave her the amount she had to pay for the paper and and some extra money with it. The old lady gave a warm smile on seeing Hermione and that was enough for her. When she bid farewell to her the lady stopped Hermione ane said " dear child, you are going to have a wonderful year and you will definitely meet the one who will always be yours". Hermione smiled at her and said thank you and started walking around a park nearby while she was walking she read the muggle newspaper and just as she was trying to turn the page she bumped into someone and dropped the newspaper without looking at who it was she bent to pick up the paper and heard a voice of a man apologizing for not paying attention , at first she didn't notice but the suddenly it struck her mind that how familiar the voice sounded . At standing up straight she saw a man standing in a black hoodie covering almost all of his face and only letting some partial part of his hair and face show . She found themselves staring at each other in astonishment.

Author's note :  Hey guys I know I updated this part real before I informed but I was free for a while so I wrote it for you guys. I hope you'll like this chapter and the suspense. Comment down anything you want to regarding this story that you would like me to put in it or any mistakes I am making in the story style or any love you'll want to spread please comment down so I can improve if you all want me to. My exams are starting in a week so I might not be able to write so often.:(
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