I Miss You

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The cashier sat blank and robotic as she scanned your items. Her hands were the only part of her that moved.
You were about to speak, to try and startle a smile out of her, when a familiar voice came on the radio.

I never meant to leave you hurting, I never meant to do the worst thing, not to you ...

Fuck. You could never hold myself together for so long when you heard Demi on the radio like this. You waited impatiently as the cashier scanned the last item, biting back tears as Demi continued to sing.

"Would you like a bag?" said the cashier in a monotone.

You were scared that if you spoke you would burst into tears, so you just shook your head and showed her the bag you had brought from home. You piled your items into it and took off lightning fast.

Cry, cry, cry but I like to party ...

"Shut up, Demi!" You screeched, attracting some funny looks from nearby passerbys.

You pulled your phone out of your back pocket, fingers trembling as they searched for Demi's name in your contacts. You hit it and held the phone up to your ear, waiting with baited breath.

"Hello?" came a voice from the other end of the line.

"Demi!" you said, the weight immediately lifted off your shoulders. "I heard you on the radio in Target there now and I just... oh God, Demi, I miss you so much."

"I miss you too, babe, but you can't keep freaking out and calling me every time my songs are played on the radio," Demi said gently. "I'm only on tour for a few weeks."

"I know, I just miss you," you said, wishing you didn't sound so pathetic.

"I'll be home soon," she reassured you. "I have to go now, Cesar's calling me. Love you."

"I love you too..."

She hung up.

And you were left alone yet again, in the middle of a massive shopping centre.

Demi Lovato: Lesbian ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now