Stop worrying.

19 1 0

"BILL!?" I scream as I shoot up from my nightmare. I'm now on a bed? Bill pokes his head through the open door "Ah. You're awake. What happened? Are you alright?" Bill asked concerned. I shake my head, No. Bill walks in the room with a frown on his face and sits on the bed near me. "I- I thought you were.. dead.." I say while my voice shakes in fear. Bill sighs as he moves a little closer to me, almost sitting on my lap, reaching his arm out and moves my hair back revealing my oddly shaped birth mark, "I'm here, alive and fine, Ok? Stop worrying about me. How are you feeling now? Better?" He smiles at me while he lowers his hand, I nodded as to say yes and smile back. 

"Oh, I made ya breakfast! C'mon, Pinetree!" Bill says before grabbing my hand, trying not to hurt my bandaged arms, pulled me into the kitchen and sat me down on a chair at the kitchen table, "Bill, you didn't have to-", "Shush and eat!" Bill interrupts, sliding a plate of pancakes drowned in maple syrup in front of me. I look down at the breakfast and sigh, but eat it anyways just to make Bill happy. 

"Pinetree?" Bill says without looking at me. I look up from my, almost finished, breakfast and swallow what's in my mouth "Hm?", "Your dream. Who was in it?" Bill asked worriedly, I just tilted my head confused but just say what he wanted to hear. "Um, well.. there was this guy, which I've never seen in my life. Anyway. He was tall, blond, and had a pony tail?.. The only people in the dream were you, me and .. him." just as I finished, Bill sat in the chair next to me and spun me around to face him, "What was his name?" , I leaned my arms on the counter and my head in my hands trying to remember the unknown persons name in my dream- Just remembered. I sit back up and spin myself to face Bill as quick as I could before I forget the name again, "Marcus! His name was Marcus.." just then Bill looked down and mumbled something to himself, but I didn't catch what he said, but then looks back up and just smiles at me like nothing. I just sigh and don't even bother saying anything, maybe he's an old friend?

I look up at the clock to check the time. 07:43. "OH SHOOT! I FORGOT ALL ABOUT SCHOOL! I-I'M GOING TO BE LATE, SHIT!" I start to panic, Bill calms me down "Chill, Kid! I'll take you, it'll only take a second, literally! Get your stuff ready and we'll go!", I shot up from my seat, grabbed my bag and all the other useless stuff I'll probably never use and shoved them into my bag. After getting my stuff ready, I swing my bag over my shoulders and run back into the kitchen where Bill was still sitting. 


"Ready, lets go!" I say pulling Bill by the arm getting more anxious about being late to school and missing it for the second days, after missing it for two days straight already. "Stop worrying Pinetree, Geez! I'll get you there in a second.." just as he finishes his sentence, Bill snaps his fingers, teleporting us both in front of the school doors. "Oh.." I look up at Bill and smile "Thanks.." then I sigh as I look at everybody walking through the doors, chatting to their friends.. and then there's me, Alone. Just as I was about to walk off and into the school, Bill grabbed my shoulder and turned me around to face him, "I love you, Pinetree. See ya after school.. or maybe sooner if possible." Bill wraps his arms around my shoulder and smiles, but before I could say anything, he dropped his arms off of me, grabbed my shoulder again and stun me around "Now GO!" he says before pushing me towards the two doors. I look back and him and smile and wave "I'M GOING. SEE YA BILL!" I shout before fast walking into the school for the first time in a while!

(I literally didn't know what to write at the end, sorry xD Also, sorry this is kinda short, imma see if I can write 2k words on the next one again and see if I can post it buy next ... Friday! Hope you're liking the story so far- OH! TYSM FOR 200 READS!! 200 people have read this? Oml xD Tysm! Also, leave a comment to suggest anything, or give me ideas on what I could add to the story maybe? Cos tbh, im kinda running out of ideas xD So ya know! OK, THATS ALL FOR NOW! BYE, AND TYSM AGAIN)

Don't worry, Pine tree! [BillDip]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora