It all changes.

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Just a little warning before you start reading this part of the story. This will be depressing and contains .. Harm. Read at your own risk? Enjoy..! 

"Hey Bill?" I say while still leaning my head on his shoulder, "Yes my little Pine tree?" Bill says while smiling. I sit up and look at him "Could we.. go back to the shack? I really want to s-" I stop as Bill stopped me half way through, "No! I'm not letting you go back, they HURT you! I'm not letting them hurt you again. Not now, not ever!" Bill says angrily and staring into my eyes. I sigh and look back at the orange flames. Ugh, I just want to say sorry to everyone.. I mean, It's my fault that they hate me- "Shut up Pine tree, It isn't your fault at all, Ok? It's sixer's fault that he doesn't accept you for being gay. Ugh, fine. I'll take you tomorrow so you can sort things out with your family you adore so much.." Bill says while reading my mind again, annoyed. Bill almost sounds jealous "No, I'm not jealous. Just pissed, that's all.." Soon as Bill says that, he pushes my head softly off his shoulder and stands up, soon as he's up he holds out his hand to pick me up. I grab Bill's hand and he pulls me up, "Now? We can get it done and over with then." I nodded my head my head yes, and then Bill's snapped his fingers and we were in our normal clothes, I smile at him and he looks back at me with a sad look, "I'm sorry, ok? I just want to set things right again, Ok? I still-.. I still love you Bill." I sigh, "Fine, sorry for overreacting or whatever you humans call it", I sarcastically laugh before Bill holds my hand heading out of the little house.

~Time Skip~

"Kid, if they touch you.. I'm taking you out of there." Bill says while we get into view of the Mystery Shack. I sigh, "Bill, I'll be fine. I love you for caring so much but they're my family, It's not like they're going to literally murder me or something, Hah!" Bill just sighs annoyed and doesn't say anything. We get to the front door of the Shack and I knocked "Anyone home?", "Well, looks like nobody's home, Lets go home Pine tree!!" Bill says while pulling me. "Bill! Stop! I know you don't want me to speak to them but let me do what I wanna do for a change, please?" I say while he's trying to pull me away from the shack, but then stops and looks at me "Ugh.. Fine..", "Thanks Bill.." Bill and I smile and then the front door opens and Mabel was looking at me, "D-dipper?" She says with tears in her eyes. "MABEL!" I scream. I let go of Bill's hand and run over to Mabel giving her a huge hug "Ugh, I missed you so much Mabel!" I say happily while hugging my sister for the first time in days without seeing her, "Me too bro-bro. Me too.." Mabel says while crying her little eyes out on my shoulder. A couple seconds later me and Mabel stopped hugging and I looked over at Bill, and then Mabel "Mabel- can we go to your room? Uh.. I-.. WE have something to tell you.." I say while looking at Bill, Mabel nodded and grabbed both of our arms- "SHOOTIN- MABEL STOP RUNNING SO FAST" Bill shouts while Mabel was rushing up the stairs with both of us in her grip "Shush little one!". As Mabel pulls Bill and I into our room,  me and Bill both sit on my bed while Mabel's shutting the door quickly so Stan and Ford don't hear us. Mabel walks over to us and sits on her bed, "So what did you want to talk about with me?.." Mabel says while looking at me and Bill, "Ok.. Uh.. Do you know who he is?" I say while pointing at Bill, Mabel looks over at Bill and then back at me with a confused look "No. Why?", I sigh and look at Mabel with a disappointed face "He's B-bill.. h-heh.." Mabel just sat there doing nothing, saying nothing.. "Mabel? Are you-" Just then I felt Bill wrap his arm around my neck pulling me closer to him on the bed we're sitting on, "So Shooting Star, what do you think? Hah." Bill says while smirking at Mabel, just as Mabel opened her mouth to say something somebody knocked on the door "Mabel? Who's in there with you?" we all looked over at the door in shock "Uh.. Just some old friends Grunkle Ford, I'm fine!" Mabel says to try get them away but it didn't work, "I'm coming in!" just as they said that.. the door opened and Ford came in and saw all three of us sitting on the beds "Dipper?? I thought I made it clear that you are no longer welcome here, and.. Him.." I sigh "Ok firstly, all I wanted to say is sorry for.. whatever I've done, secondly.. that 'Him'.. Well.. He's Bill." Ford looks at me with anger and shock "What the fuck is wrong with your mind kid? Your parents would be so disappointed in you right now!!" He says while walking a bit more into the room, I sigh "Well-" I get stopped again by Bill, "So what's it to you Sixer? Why cant you just be happy for your nephew for once? Fucking hell, is it so hard to do? Y'know, I always knew you were homophobic or whatever you humans call it." Soon as Bill finishes, Ford looks over at me again "Get out! I don't EVER want to see your face again, Don't EVER come near the Shack again! I'm pretty sure your parents would be very, VERY disappointed in you for what you've chosen to do with your life Dipper, now GET OUT!", I feel tears in my eyes but I'm not letting nobody see I'm weak, I grab Bill's hand quickly and push past Ford, then I hear Mabel.. "DIPPER, PLEASE NO! DONT GO AWAY! PLEASE!" She screams while getting held back by Ford, I ignore her while walking out of the Shack holding Bill's hand basically crying, just then Bill stops walking which makes me stop walking and look back at him "Bill, come on.." I say wiping tears from my eyes, "I told you this was a bad idea Dipper, and look who didn't listen and got hurt!" Bill says seriously while looking at me, I get pissed but don't say anything so I won't say anything I'll regret, instead I pull my hand away from his and ran back to the little house in the forest. Bill follows.

~Time Skip~

"PINE TREE, WAIT!" Bill yells at me while running, but I didn't listen to him and kept on running while crying so much from my own family hating me. "GO AWAY!" I scream back while running into the house then running into the bathroom and locking to door behind me, "Ugh, Kid. I'm sorry alright? Just come out and we can talk, Ok?" Bill says calmly, I didn't reply.. I just leaned against the door crying, "Leave me alone.." I say while my voice cracks, soon as I said that I heard footsteps walking away from the bathroom door. I get up from the door and walk slowly and quietly over to the sink and look at myself in the mirror thinking what I've become- Oh, I know, a disappointment, that's what! 

(Bill's P.O.V)

As I'm sitting on the sofa waiting for my Pine tree to calm down, I lean back and start humming to a song that's pretty well known. As a couple more minutes pass by I start to get more worried. I get up from the couch I was sitting on and walk up to the bathroom door again, "Pine tree? Are you okay?" I say worriedly.. no reply. I sigh "I'm coming in Pine tree..", soon as I opened the door I heard Pine tree should "NO DON'T COME-... in..." too late, and what I saw.. I never want to see again. Water started to form in my eyes... "What the fuck Dipper... What have you done?.."

(Dipper's P.O.V)

"I didn't want you to see me like this... Get out!.." I say crying and a blade in my hand and blood covering my arms and hands. "Dipper-... ugh... Just- Just come here!" Bill says holding his arms out for a hug, I accept. I ran over to Bill and hugged him as tight as I could, still crying like crazy and my arms still bleeding. Bill pulls away after a couple minutes breaking the hug "Let me see your arms. I won't hurt you, Ok? I will never hurt you!", I look up at Bill, still with tears in my eyes, and nod "Ok.." I say slowly. I pull my arm up and pull up my sleeve to show the cuts, I sigh sadly "Bill- I'm sorry.. I just- ugh.. Ford and what he said.. that I'm-" I got stopped again by Bill putting his finger over my mouth to stop me from speaking, "Sshh, Don't listen to him. You're not a disappointment to your family because of your sexuality, it doesn't change YOU. The only one that should change is Sixer, Ok? Now lets get you fixed up." Bill says calmly while grabbing my hand and walking me into the living room. As I'm sitting in the living room couch and Bill's looking for the first-aid kit, I look up and sigh "I'm sorry.." I say as I look disappointedly at my cut arms, Bill sighs while pulling  out the first-aid kit then looking over to me, "Don't be. It's not your fault, It's sixers." Bill says while sitting next to me, I just sigh and don't say anything in fear of bursting out crying - just then Bill lifts my chin up and smiles "Don't worry anymore, you're safe with me, Ok? You will always be safe with me. I won't let anyone take you, hurt you, anything! I love you Pine tree.", Bill lets go of my chin and my head goes back down, but then I look back up and Bill and hug him again with happy tears in my eyes, "Thanks Billy... I-I.. love you too.", Bill smiles and pulls me off ending the small hug, "Let me bandage your arms first, Ok? I don't want them getting infected.", "Ok." I say while giving Bill a quick smile. He grabs the bandage from the box by his side, lifts my arm up and starts to wrap my arm. A couple minutes after Bill finishes wrapping my arms, he puts away the bandages and then gets up from the couch, puts the kit back in the cupboard and sits next to me on the couch again, "Don't do that again, Ok? I don't like to see my Pine tree in pain.." Bill says sadly while putting an arm over my neck pulling us closer. I sigh "I won't. I don't know what got into me, I.. I-" Once again stopped by Bill, "Stop talking, just sit back and rest, you need to sleep to get your strength up.", I sigh and them open my mouth to say something but I just end up listening to Bill's order, which I then follow. I closed my eyes, leaned onto Bill and then soon as I started to fall asleep, I hear Bill whisper in my ear. "Sleep well my dear Pine tree, you need it. I love you.", I smile and lie my head down on his lap. I open my eyes and look up at Bill "I will. I love you too, Billy." I say while smiling and Bill smiling back, then he kisses me on the forehead, I turn my head the other way while my head still on Bill's lap trying to hide the fact that I'm blushing.. but it failed like all the other times, Bill just giggles and places his hand on my head, smoothing my hair.. "Sweet dreams my love." I heard Bill say before I fell asleep into a world of quietness and nothingness. 

SO SO Sorry this took 2 weeks to publish. I tried to make it 2 thousand words (Which I did) and I didn't think it would take 2 bloody weeks to write! Sorry! Also, thank you so much for the votes and the reads! :) <3

Also, sorry this was so depressing ;-; !

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