Chapter 9: A day With Sally

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So flipping tired.......

I was practically falling over by how my adrenaline rush was now over and I was once again, exhausted....😧 I would end up shaking my head to get rid of the dizziness or even going as far as slapping myself awake again. Is this healthy for me? Not at all. Were those pills sleeping pills? Probably. Does it look or sound like I care? Nope. "Are you bored?" I nodded my head, seeing as I was alone in my room. "Well we could always sneak out the window?" A small grin appeared on my face as I went to the window, only to discover a "child safety" lock on it....😑 Are they serious? Like...for real? I took the lock in my hand and was about to use my super awesome strength to break the damn thing when my door opened... why is nothing going my way today....? It was the hatchet man himself! Toby! Man those hatchets look so shiny...I should change that again...(referring to what she did to them in book one). "W-wanna go o-outside?" I practically jumped up and nodded eagerly even though that made my head spin. Toby chuckled and then went and picked me up. As we got to the door, I saw Sally also here with us. I squirmed in Toby's grip until he set me down. I then ran up to Sally. "(Y/n)! Let's go play!!" She then grabbed my hand and we were then out in the still morning light. I noticed Toby was running to keep up with us. "S-slow down!" We giggles as we stopped running and Toby slowed down himself, looked up at us, opened his mouth to speak, and then collapsed to the ground. Sally went up to him and poked him. "Is he dead?" I asked in a monotoned voice with only amusement showing in my eyes. Sally looked up at me and shrugged. "Oh wells! Let's go play!" She smiled and them started skipping in a random direction, me following behind her.

Wonder where we're going....?


Yo guys! Sorry I haven't published a chapter in a while for really any of my books and that this chapter is short. I'm a little stressed with everything right now going on in my life, but I try children. Also I decided to jam my fingers so they're like twice the size of my other normal ones at the moment. But anyway I'll see if I can get another chapter done today or this week, so yeah BAI MY LIL KILLER MONKS!!


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