05 - come here

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Elise had one thing on her mind all day, and that thing was sleep.

She got tired easily; too easily if she was being honest. Everyone in her life knew that, and for the most part they accepted it. She was a sleepy girl, and she tended to get a bit delirious without her full hours of rest. She hated the feeling of it, mainly because it threw the girl off to the point where she'd make more mistakes than usual—and Elise was pretty sure she'd been born prone to mistakes.

It was kind of her own fault that her eyes were so heavy, but the girl chose to blame it on the boy who would normally be in her spot in these early morning hours. After all, it had been Cole's brilliant idea to let the girl take—what he liked to call—the 'solo sunrise shift'.

Elise thought death would've been more fitting.

"Are you insane?"

"Insanely serious."

"That was the lamest thing you've ever said." She sighed.

Cole smiled, sweetly but sickly. "The way I speak depends on who I'm talking to, Lisi."

"Did you just call me lame?" She was offended, rightfully so.

"I didn't not call you lame." He shrugged.

Elise had huffed, already not enjoying any part of their conversation. "You're annoying." She muttered.

"And you're working tomorrow morning," he had grinned at her, a patronizing pat to the head accompanying the words Elise didn't want to hear. "So; bedtime for you."

Groaning, she shook her head. "It's like, barely 10:30."

"You need to leave at 3:30."

"I would literally rather die."

Cole laughed, hardly feeling the slightest bit sympathetic for the girl. "I do it almost everyday."

The girl paused. "That's...different."


She paused again, hoping for something concrete enough to prove her point. "I'm human." Is what she went with.

"Right," Cole rolled his eyes. "What does that make me, then?"



"I'm just saying," she attempted again. "We—" She gestured between the two of them and Cole raised an amused brow. "—are not the same breed."

Cole had to laugh again, because the girl was really was amusing when she tried to make her case. "Mmhm, that's great and all," his voice was laced with fake sincerity. "But I'm not sure where you're going with this."


"—working tomorrow, is what you're doing," Cole finished for her with a brow raised. "Consider it a punishment for always being late."

Elise slumped, because it sort of was only fair for her to give Cole a morning off after he'd willingly covered for her whenever she'd been a bit tardy to her own shifts. Even a 'bit' was being gracious, and they both knew it.

But now, at the ungodly hour of 5 in the morning, Elise has been filled with nothing but resentment for that same boy—for about an hour now. She was starting to wish she'd pushed harder for him to change his mind, but a small part of her knows it was a fight she was destined to lose.

She was always doing what Cole told her to, mostly because she trusted him, and sometimes she needed someone like him to give her a little nudge in the right direction. And, just as both of them knew very well, he had yet to steer the girl wrong.

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