Ch. 12

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< -- twelve -- >

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< -- twelve -- >

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"Lars! Come down for dinner!" I heard my mother's voice after a light tap on my bedroom door. Pressing send to Ethan telling him how watching the band practice went, I opened my drawer of shirts ready to grab a long sleeve out of habit but paused.

Preferring to keep my prosthetic hidden even in the house the longsleeve was somewhat safe for me. I've caught my own sister staring at it making me uncomfortable. Dad never looked at it and mom acted as if nothing had changed aside from her oldest being stripped from this world by her middle child.

"Hurry up Lars, I'm hungry!" Eloise yelled.

Closing the drawer I pulled out the next drawer it looking at the short sleeve shirts I haven't seen in what felt like ages. Grabbing one from the top I pulled it over my head hurrying down the stairs to wash my hand and wipe off my prosthetic before taking my place across from Ellie at the dinner table.

There were pros and cons of having surgeons as parents, at least my parents. My mom is cardiothoracic surgeon that loves to try out vegan recipes while dad is a urologist that will eat whatever mom puts on the table to make her happy.

We used to be what one would call a perfect family from the outside. My parents never argued in front of us. They showed up to every baseball game near or far and made us go all go - as a family, to Ellie's gymnastic tournaments.

As siblings we fought and argued, more Cas and I over Ellie and I. Cas and I got in trouble for roughhousing in the house. We had to play with Ellie and her barbies or dress up at least once a week, each. Our parents worked long hours leaving Cas in charge and I of course felt that it was unfair for him to be in charge when I was just as capable.

On weekends that were free Cas hungout with his friends and I hung out with their younger siblings or played at the field. We were rewarded, we were scolded, we were a family of five that loved each other.

Now we were a family of four that didn't know how to talk about the one that was no longer with us. His bedroom door stayed closed. His favorite movies never touched. The songs he would blast from his room would immediately get switched when it came on the radio. His favorite dessert was never made and when his birthday came I felt the worst of the worst.

"So how was school Ellie?" Blinking back into reality I grabbed my fork twisting it around in the spicy noodle dish mom made.

"It was fun. Lacey and I sat next to each other at lunch and we planned out our entire summer. Can Lacey come with us when we go on vacation?" She gave her puppy dog eyes

"Woah," I cut in, "I thought it was a family vacation. No extra people."

"That's not fair!" She pouted looking between our parents. "His friend Ethan spent the entire time with us last year!"

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