Battle part 2

Beginne am Anfang

PeaceFire pulled out a black rock, it looked like an onxy stone.

"This stone holds my powers and I am giving them to you, hold out your wrist." I did as she said. She placed the stone into the empty slot located on my bracelet.

"Your name is WhiteFire, you are my SparkTwin, and you might be the only Cybertronian out there that can get us home. Now go my sister and help the Autobots!" She said before a burst of white light exploded then disappeared leaving me in, yet again, darkness


I blinked my eyes and saw that I had the ice arrow with the flaming tip still in front of me, aimed at Megatron himself. Megatron was about to rip Jazz apart so I released the arrow but I could already tell that it wasn't going fast enough. 'oh no no no no no!' I thought.

"Use the wind" a voice said.


Using the wind I boosted the speed of the arrow and it hit Megatron in the eye. Yes! Direct hit!!!

Megatron cryed out of pain and rage and I heard metal hit the ground.


I looked over at where Jazz was and started running to him. When I got there I saw that his optics were a dim blue, unlike there usual bright blue hue. Atleast 1/3 of his body was torn off.

I felt pure white rage and it was all pointed towards Megatron. I turned about to fire blast Megatron sky high but was stopped by a voice.

"Thanks lil'lady." Jazz whispered out. I turned around, tears building up in my eyes. "For what? I couldn't save you." I whispered back to him while kneeling in front of his face. "You tried and that's all that matters. Your the best charge that I could have asked for." He tells me quietly. "And your the best guardian that I could have asked for." I reply. Jazz chuckles lightly before saying, "Take care of the others for me Blizz and take care of yourself." His optics start to dim until they turn completely gray. Completely dead.

I scream out of loss, pain and anger. I need to help them!

"Transform, picture your Cybertronian form, transform WhiteFire!" PeaceFire whispered in my head. I did as she said, imagining the white 'bot with neon green accents and black outlining.

I opened my eyes, first noting that I was very high up. I looked at my hands, er servos. They were basically the same ones from the ones I saw in that memory thing.I need to find Megatron.

I spot Megatron and Optimus fighting. Megatron hits Optimus causing him to fall but not before he hits Megatron back which results in both of them falling. "Put the cube in my chest sam!" Optimus yells but sam has another idea. I watch as he runs past Optimus and over to Megatron. I think I know what he is doing.

I start freezing Megatron's limbs so that he can't move while Sam climbs onto him and places the cube into him chest.

Megatron explodes, serves him right, and I find it the perfect time to transform back and I think I know how to. I start to imagine my former self.

I open my eyes and look down, seeing that I am human, am I human? Eh, I don't know.

"Blizzard look out!!!" Sam? screams. I look back up and see some scrap metal flying towards me. Before I had the chance to react, it hit me.


I slowly open my eyes and I see white. Is this it? Is this where my story ends?
Will I get to see Jazz?

A head suddenly blocked my view.

"YOUR AWAKE!!!!" Sam yells then launches himself at me. I quickly roll over so that he won't hug me. I roll over and off of whatever I was laying on and landed on the cold, hard ground. "Ow." I say quietly and then my head starts spinning. "Oh my gosh, Blizzard are you okay?!? Why would you do that!?!" Sam yells.

I try to sit up but it felt like my brain has pounding against my skull so I just slowly lay back down on the nice, cold floor. Sam keeps on rambling on and on about nonsense until I intervene, "Sam, if you do not shut up your going to have more than just a messy room to worry about." I say to him which effectively shuts him up, momentarily anyways.

"I'll go get ratchet!" He says before scrambling off to who knows where, leaving me alone with a migraine.

A few minutes later I here footsteps come closer to me so I open my eyes that I didn't even realise I closed. I see two humans, Sam and some other guy in his 40s maybe with a doctors coat and white, long hair with an orange streak going through it that was put up in a simple plat. "What are you doing on the floor? You should be on the bed on recharge!" And ratchets voices apparently.

"Ratchet?" I said. "Who else would I be, its called a holoform" Ratchet said sarcastically. Sam comes over to me and picks me up just barely and lays me on the bed.

"Who do you feel?" Ratchet asks while checking my temperature and pulse. "Want the truth?" I asked. "Naturally." Ratchet said. "Well I feel like I've been ran over by Optimus a couple hundred times and then had my head bashed a couple thousand times." I said with a small smirk on my face.

"She's fine" Sam said before walking out of the room. "You've been out for a couple of hours and your at a government facility that will be housing the remaining Autobots and Jazz..........He was offlined......I'm sorry about the loss of your guardian." Ratchet said.

"We all lost Jazz, not just me." I stated quietly, knowing that he heard me. Ratchet nodded before continuing, "Here, take this then your free to go. In an hour we're going to put Jazz's body to rest. Your welcome to come if you like." Ratchet said softly while handing me a pill and glass of water. Ratchet then left me to be alone.

I took the pill, drank the water, and left to get ready.


Half an hour later

I walked into a hanger where the 'bots were gathered. They all looked at me and said a chorus of 'hey's', 'hi's', and 'Hello's'. I nodded back before speaking, " there is something that I would like to show you all." They looked at me confused but none protested against it. I closed my eyes, imaging my Cybertronian form.

I hear gasps of shock and amazement. I open my eyes and look at them all before saying something, "do ya remember me?"

As soon as those words left my mouth I was surrounded by the 'bots hugging me, most whispering WhiteFire and we thought we lost you.

After a few minutes they finally release me. "Where is PeaceFire?" Ironhide asks. "Offlined." I whispered and am once again engulfed with hugs.

After being released yet again I transform back and walk off to who knows where.


An hour later

We got on a boat and it went out to the sea. Once we reach the middle Optimus says some words and Jazz's body was dropped off into the water, never to be seen again.

I haven't said a word through out this entire thing and I plan on never saying another word again.


Well what do you guys think? Also this is not the last chapter, another chapter will be posted later tonight or tomorrow.

2165 words!!!!

(Transformers) Normal is just a dreamWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt