
770 19 8

I couldn't think straight or concentrate on the conversation they were having. I had too many questions.

Like, why do I look human. Do I have a Cybertronian form. Do I actually have powers. If so what are they. How do I control them.

I was brought out of my head when the car was stopped. The roof of the car was pulled, literally pulled, off by none other than Optimus. (Not really Important but I wanted to mention it. Optimus has 7 letters in it and 7 is a prime number so Optimus is literally prime hahahaha I'm such a loser) Sam said something but I didn't pay attention.

I got out of the car using my feet since I had hand cuffs on. When I got out I thought about something that may or may not sound completely crazy.

What if I tried to use my powers to get the handcuffs off? I closed my eyes and imagined the thing that makes me relax the most. Winter. To be more precise, ice. Crazy as it sounds ice had its way of calming me.

My hands and wrists started getting really cold and started going numb. I decided to just pull me hand apart. And surprisingly the cuffs broke. The were covered in ice.

Makayla came over to me and asked, "do you need any help getting out of you handcuffs?" I figured it wasn't the time to tell them about my newly discovered powers so I just said, "no thanks makayla I got out of them myself." She nodded and walked off to who knows where.

I walked over to Jazz who now had all of the government peoples weapons. "Hey." I said. "Hi lil'lady." He said as he lowered him hand down to me so that I could get on and so I did. "Ya know when we first meet and I said I was go'n crazy?" I asked. "Yes." "Well now I'm 100% positive that I have gone crazy." I told him. "Why? You don't look like you've gone crazy." He stated.

"Long story short, it's been a long day." I decided not to tell jazz just yet. "Okay lil'lady." Just the Ironhide spoke. "Incoming."

Helicopters flew above and next thing I know is Jazz and Optimus were hiding under the bridge. Me on Jazz's hand and makayla and sam hanging on to Optimus about to fall to their death. Wai-WHAT!!?!! 

Sam and makayla fell off but Bumblebee caught them before they died. "Bumblebee Your the best!" I shouted.

I didn't pay to much attention to anything that was going on. That's starting to become a habit of mine or already is. I did, however, start paying attention when Bee started making noises that sounded like he was in distress. I guess Jazz had set me down beside sam while I was off in La La Land because sam and I were running off to help Bee.

Sam started to try and pull the gun type things out of their hands while I started using my ability.

Hey they are going to find out eventually. I started shooting ice arrows out of my hands. I was hitting some people but not in areas that would kill them just hurt them enough to stop.

I was doing good. I had like 15 men down so far but someone walked up behind me and pushed on a pressure point located on my neck causing me to black out.

The last thing I saw was sam, makayla, and Bee all being taken away. Then Darkness.


Hate me if ya want ta but CLIFFHANGER!!!!!! HAHAHA

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