Wheres My Car!?!

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Well to say that my head hurts, would be an understatement. My hand automatically makes its way to my head to try and relieve some of the pain but to no avail.

I look around the room I'm in and literally die inside. Don't laugh, its a fact. My heart stopped as I remembered something. Well not exactly remember something but for some reason I'm scared if this cell and I don't understand why.

I try to shake off the feeling by trying to remember what happened last before I blacked out.

Bumblebee, Makayla, and Sam. Their in trouble. And something else. I sense something different........ Power. Waves of power are radiating all throughout this place.

I set aside that fact and try to get out of this cell. The bars are metal. It kinda reminds me of hand cuffs and if I do remember correctly I froze those.

I smirk to myself and began to freeze the bars. After I was satisfied, I backed up and ran at the bars. Right before I reached the bars I jump kicked the bars, causing the bars to snap.

I heard voices down the hall and ran to them. No I'm not crazy. I recognized the girly voice. Samuel witwicky.

"Where is my car!?!" I yelled as soon as I was in the room. Guns were immediately aimed at me. "Woah woah woah their put the guns away!" Sam tried to say but got ignored.
"Nu-uh." I said in a singy song like voice and froze all the weapons.

"You people here truly are idiots." I muttered before continuing, "Where is my car?" "Its confiscated." The guy who ruined my life said. Hmm let's call him..........scraphead. "Then unconfiscate it!" Sam and I both said. "We cant do that." Scraphead said

I'm growing really tired of this. I lung at him, pinning him to the wall and decided to experiment with my powers. I imaged a sword and before you know it, an ice sword so sharp it could cut leather without a problem was up against his throat. Guns were once again pointed at me. Don't they learn?!?

"I'm going to say this once and once only. Give me. Back. My. Car. Or I can just cut your head off. Oh and another thing, if Bumblebee is hurt, you won't ever see the light of the sun again." I said in a very low voice. Someone holding a gun decided to speak up,"I'm going to give you to the count of 5 to drop your weapon." "I'm going to count to 3 and when I get their scraphead here will be dead and your weapons will be frozen solid." I replied.

"Um sir." Someone else said. "Yes." Scraphead acknowledged. "I think it be in your best interest to give the girl here what she wants." Ha Bliz 1 scraphead 0. "It would be wise to listen to him." I told him

"Fine! You want to put the fate of the world in the hands of some kids Camaro, Fine!" He said and I released him. "By the way, its not just some camaro and were not just some kids." I told him while walking to my brother. "Oh yes your not just some kid your some freak with abnormal abilities and not even human." He yelled.

That stopped me from reaching my brother. I turned around to face him or 'Simmons' as I was informed. "1. I am not a freak, 2. YOU gave me these abilities and you even said so your self, and 3. I am more human than you'll ever be." And with that I continued the walk to my brother and onward to  Bumblebee we go.

But I'm still confused about one thing. What is this energy?


Hahahaha 2 chapters one week? Yea I'm surprised to. Yep. I'm happy!!!!!!!! And weird. And Simmons can die. So happy! Yep officially went insane.



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