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"Tupperware put the message in a machine to analyze it and it turns out the message is in Latin. We didn't hear it because we were sacred of what we were going to find but now since were all here, we can hear it so in case its bad or long, we'll all be here so we don't have to re-watch it." Timmy told all of u telepathically.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Asked the coon, "play the fucking video."

"Shut up fatass." Kite said.

Misterion got annoyed so he played the message


humans are weak we will take over your world we can destroy you in a snap of our fingers bring me the boy whomsoever mother's blood I have on my hands the boy has seven days to give up or we will take him by force and destroy your pathetic little world.


Tweeks P.O.V:

The message ended and everyone was looking at each other. 7 days. i ave 7 days and i already spent most of the day at school and at the school nurse. oh yeah, AND I STILL DON'T KNOW HOW TO DEFEAT HIM!

"Um guys? what are we gonna do?" asked Mosquito.

"I don't know yet, any ideas of whom this boy is?" Misterion asked.

"I say its the human kite! you can never trust a jew." The coon said.

"Fuck you fatass! my parents are still alive!" Kite said. Oh yeah, i forgot to tell you guys. Kites parents died in a planet called Altea but his parents left him a hologram of them were they are still dead alive? kinda?

"yeah fatass! ky- Kite is a jew but he is the most trustworthy person in here, actually the most trustworthy person in the world." Tool shed said giving kite a smile which he gladly returned. They actually look more like lovers than friends.

"M-M-Mayb-be  t-th-the k-ki-kid is g-g-gone al-GAH!-already." i said trying to maintain calm. Key word is trying and since I'm the spazzy kid that I am, I failed miserably.

"Wonder Tweek are you okay? your spazzing more than usual." Super Craig said in his monotone voice.

"y-y-yeah wh-why w-w-w-ould-wouldn't I-I-I b-be?" Fuck I stuttered again!

"Wait, didn't Tweek say that his planet was destroyed and his parents were killed?" asked Mosquito. Fucking Clyde. I sent him an electric shock from under the table.

"BUZZ! OW!" He winced.

"What happened Clyde?" Tuberwear asked sounding concerned.

"Something shocked me!" He he said holding his hand. Everyone turned and looked at me except Dr. Timothy who looked to be deep in thought.

"w-what?" i asked trying to sound innocent.

"you're the only one with elemental powers." Coon said in his annoying voice.

" He is right you know?" call girl said.

"thank you."

'Its Tweek.' Dr Timothy telepathically told us.


'Its Tweek' 

"Are you saying that Tweek is the boy?" asked Craig.

"Of course! It makes seance now. Tweek, it was Zalgo whom killed your mother, wasn't it?" asked Misterion.

"Y-yes. One of his minions" i admitted.

"And you knew that he was after you?"


"did anyone else know?"

"actually, it was butters who told me. if it wasn't for him, then i wouldn't know who Zalgo was or what he wanted."

Misterion went over to Professor Chaos and whispered something in his ear. "Everyone, this meeting is over, You are all dismissed. Please make your way out." Misterion said.

"But this is my house!" Token complained being dragged out by Clyde.

"come on Tweek." Craig called out to me.

Butters P.O.V:

aww gezz. Misterion wanted me to stay after the meeting. I'm gonna be with my crush. Alone. For who knows how long.

"Butters, thank you for staying. I'm just gonna ask you a few questions okay?" Misterion said in his deep sexy voice- INNOCENT THOUGHTS BUTTERS LETS KEEP THIS PG!


"okay, how did you find out that Zalgo was after Tweek ?"

"W-well you see, Zalgo is my uncle." I said shyly. I didn't want him to see me differently. Strangely, he didn't react. He just keeps asking me questions.

"How did you find out?"

"I over heard him talking to his general."

"Okay the rest are going to be yes or no answers okay?"


"Do you know Zalgos weakness?"


"Do you care about us?"


"Would you ever betrey us?"


"Were you checking me out through out the whole meeting?"

"Yes. Wait what?!" I'm pretty sure I'm blushing so hard right now.

"Yes or no questions remember?" Misterion said with a smirk. Oh u sly son of a--- fine. Two can play that game.

"Do you like me?"

"Oh yes. I've always been checking you out. You look so hot and you're voice is sexy. I've always been wanted for you to claim me and make me yours. Oh the pleasure it would be. I've always wondered how it would feel to kiss you, for you to hold me, and for you to make me your bitch." I said in a seductive voice trying to look sexy. An I think it worked. Misterion was staring at me and looked like a tomato.

Next thing I knew Misterion was KISSING me. I kissed back without hesitation. OMFG.

This is a dream come true

Hey guys, its me I'm not dead and I hope you all enjoyed. Bunny has saild so you're welcome. Its currently 11:22 and I'm at the air port sooo... Thanks for reading. I love you all and until next time byeee✌❤❤

~Click out❤

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