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I DON'T WANT TO DO THIS. This was a bad idea. I should have never agreed on going with Chandler. It was about nine when I woke up, my heart beating as twice as fast as it should be, realizing what day it was. I would have gotten up early, but this worries kept me awake. "Knock, knock", Rachel was apparently standing in front of my door. No. "Excuse me, did you say no?" And I am thinking out loud, AGAIN.

          "Come in!", but as those words left my mouth, Rach had already closed the door behind her. "The show starts in seven hours, Evelyn! We need to get you date–ready!" She sat down beside me, hitting my shoulder, with a huge grin on her face. "Rach, this is not a date, okay? It's just two people spending an evening together, maybe getting to talk a bit–", I sat up to look her in the eye. She blinked at me once very slowly before adding, "You are aware that you just literally defined a date?" I rolled my eyes and let myself fall on my pillow.

          "No!", I sat up again. "A date mostly includes dinner, and both people being attracted to each other–" This time Rachel rolled her eyes, "Honey, after the night he will be attracted to yo–" I hit her with my pillow, "Stop it." She frowns, "No, I'm serious, he'd be lucky to have you!" I slightly blush. Boy, I really can't take compliments. I clear my throat loudly. "I'd rather talk about you and Joe, when are you leaving?" Rachel blushed, strongly. "We leave about the same time you guys do."#

          I chuckled and hit her with the pillow one more time. Rach took another hit me back, "Come on, it's going to be great! Our day will be amazing!" I didn't really believe her. "Guys?", my sister's voice came from the living room. "We should really get up!", I whispered. Rachel jumped up and closed the door behind her, so I could get ready. Get ready? No way, I'll just throw my morning robe over. The first face I spotted after leaving the room was Richard Burke, who was now officially my sister's boyfriend. Also the reason I turned around again to actually get ready.

          What do I wear? What do I wear? Oof, nothing too complicated. I took out a black pair of high waist pants. How do you even dress properly for something like that? I sat down on the floor staring at my closet. "Try that!", Monica handed me one of her favourite tops, the red tank top. "How did you–", I stammered, my eyes jumping between her and the top. "I saw your face when you saw Richard, Rachel also told me you go to The Chew today, and need a TV worthy outfit!"

          I chuckled, "I don't think the camera will land on me, Mon. But thank you, a lot." She smiled a bit weakly, she already had turned around to leave as I jumped up. "And Mon–", she faces me again. "I want you to know that I fully support your relationship with Richard Bur– Richard. Ross will need his time, he is having this time with Rachel and everything." Her looked jumped from me to the floor when I mentioned our brother. "But Monica, if you love him, that is all that matters to me." That made her smile and I tried to smile back.

          "Thank you Eve, I know Ross is always taking the long way around, but I don't get why he is acting like a jerk all the time!", she sighed and sat down next to me on the floor. "I guess, it's mostly Rachel. He surely ain't over her yet and seeing her with Joe must be even harder!", I thought out loud. Monica didn't say anything, she just looked at me with huge eyes. Oh snap, I mentioned them. SHIT.

          "Rachel and Joey? You're saying Rachel, this Rachel outside, Rach and Joey Joseph Tribbiani are having a thing?", she got all excited. Before I could stop her she started blabbering non stop, "How couldn't I see it? And that's were she went to complain about Ross, right?" Shit, she is good. I didn't say anything, well now she knows I guess. "But, you know don't tell anyone. It's not officially or anything–", I stammered.

           "Of course!", she smiled mischievous and laid her head on my shoulder. "You better get date–ready now!" She rose up next to me, while my brain was realizing what she had just said. "Did you said date–ready? This is still not a date." Monica didn't even turn around before saying, "Unless you want it to be!" This is not okay. He is still not over her, while she already calls our spree a date.

           I looked at her top in my hand. He will notice it's her's. I cannot wear that. Why can't just neither of us be in love. It would be so much easier. I sighed. At the end I chose a yellow crop top. I had no idea if it would fit, but I love yellow, so there is that. I left my room once again, and greeted the guys who were outside. Which were except Rach and Mon, Phoebe and Richard. My sister scanned my outfit and looked a bit confused since I wasn't wearing her top. Rachel, on the other hand, showed me both thumbs up behind Monica's back. A look on my watch told me that not more than fortyfive minutes have passed since I first got up. What did Rachel say? The show starts in seven hours, well less.

          The plan, neither of us agreed one was to meet in the hallway maybe thirty minutes early. Or not. Maybe I should pay him a visit just to work out a plan. Never miss an opportunity to talk to him, right? This will be a disaster.

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