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JESUS, YOU ARE SO OLD!❞ My sister's expression changed quickly. She had been smiling at the little breakfast muffin in front of her. "Phoebe. You are older than me. To this day, if you believe it or not." Phoebe gasped, "I am what? No, you must mistake something there." What a great start into this day. Monica continued drinking her coffee, ignoring Phoebe. "I am glad Rachel let you handle the breakfast, Eve! It's wonderful!" I laughed, not because I couldn't answer the compliment, but because I could only make Rachel let me prepare the breakfast, if if I let her make the cake. Which she did.

          "Probably the genes?", I smiled amused as the front door opened. "Those genes may have skipped me!" My sister jumped up like she hadn't seen our brother in weeks, "Ross!" He hugged and wished her a happy birthday. "So you guys, do we have any plans for today?", Monica grinned widely. Ross and I exchanged a look. "If you got any questions, the only person who could possibly answer them, is Rachel!", Phoebe smiled, like there wasn't a huge surprise party going on.

         Our door fell in it's look again. "What about me?", it was Rachel, who looked quite exhausted. I hadn't noticed it the past few days, but she looked really tired. It was a different kind of tired than two weeks ago, when Ross and her were ..you know ..having a break. It was that kind of tired you are, when you get something done and can just be proud of yourself. "Nothing. Monica just asked if there was anything planned for the day. Is there, Rachel?", Ross raised his eyebrows. I don't know if he provoke her on purpose or if it was just a casual thing for him.

          The brown haired girl sighed but managed to ignore him, "Why don't you keep drinking your coffee, Monica, while I unsuspiciously talk to Phoebe over here." She waved at Pheebs, who jumped up after realizing something was happening. The two of them walked over to 

          "What is all that about?", my brother whispers in my ear. Still keeping an eye on the two girls I shake my head. What the hell is going on now? At least Monica seemed fine with the answer as she simply continued her breakfast and ignored the seductive whispering from the living room. For god's sake what is this about? Because I am nosy I weren't able not to notice Phoebe, but mostly Rachel kept glimpsing at me. Jesus.

          Even when the door bell rang they didn't stop. "Who's that?", Ross asked looking in the direction of the gossiping girls. Phoebe shrugged as Rachel still hadn't stopped talking. "Maybe it's my suitcase!", I laughed but my brother's eyes jumped at me. "You still didn't get that?" I shook my head confused why it was suddenly from importance. "That's unbelievable! I called those guys a week ago, they said it would be here any day–", he kept on yelling. "Wait! You called the train station?" Now he was the one who nodded at me confused.

          Before he could start dialing the number I hugged him, "Thank you, Ross! I didn't know you did that!" I felt his arms up at my back. He was actually hugging back. "You're my little sister, that's the least I can do!" Monica snorted, "Yeah, I am as well your little sister who's birthday surprisingly is today! Everybody come done, alright? Did anyone let the poor guy in who rang the bell two minutes ago?" Ross let go of me and even Rach and Phoebe stopped talking.

          As I checked the door, Ross started dialing the number of the train station again. The girls, finally, wandered to the kitchen table. My brother and I started talking at the same time. "Hello? Who is there? Monica, it's a guy. He is here for your birthday!", I told her. She nodded as a sign to let him in. Till mysterious guy is upstairs I would have a few seconds to check on my suitcase situation.

          "It's Ross Geller? I was talking to the manager the other day because of my sister's lost suitcase. Yeah, I am this guy, why are you saying this so annoyed?" Well, this is working out. I will probably never get my suitcase. The knock at the door interrupted my self depressing thought. "I'll get it!", Monica yelled. I started at her, Ross still yelled at the guy on the phone and in the corner of my eye I could see Rach and Phoebe, again, exchanging looks. And if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it. "Richard Burke?", my brother dropped the phone as he saw our father's friend handing Monica a bunch of roses.

soulmates. ― chandler bingजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें