Twenty Eight

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Ever since the phone call Tyson has been distant. He thinks I doesn't notice, because he subtly tries to hide it, but I can see right through him.

I am yet to find out what the phone call is about because after we went back to dinner and then did our routine to go to bed. I completely forgot about it but as I am walking the streets of NYC with Tya strapped to my front with a baby sling, it's all I can think about.

I made a decision to go to his office. I haven't been back there since I moved in with Tyson. The minute I stepped through the door, the receptionist ran to me and all but bowed. She led me to Tyson's office and was there which reminded me of a chaperone.

I didn't knock at the door, after all I am the boss' fiancé. I can't believe I just said that. My brain wasn't working along with my head, apparently. When I pushed the door open the sight that I behold was like no other.

Tyson had a woman pinned to the wall by her neck and her face was becoming purple. He was whispering things in her ears, and I would have escaped without being seen if not for Tya seeing her daddy.

She squeaked and Tyson turned around. What shook me to the core was that he didn't stop what he was doing he just became more forceful. I turned my back to walk out since he completely ignored me and the baby but stopped in my tracks when I heard the woman plead softly, " Help?"

Immediately my heart reached out to the woman and I spun on my heels. I realized that for a moment I forgot that she was in pain even if it Tyson who was causing it. That made it even worse. I spoke slowly and an edge in my voice, "Tyson, what are you doing?!" My voice seemed to flip a switch in him because he turned to me and said, "This is not what it looks like."

Really? That's all he's going to say? "I never said it looked like anything, I asked you what you were doing?" He seemed stunned and then he released his hand from the woman's neck. "Belle, I'm sorry."

Now I was confused, "For what?" He ran his hands through his hair and then he walked up to me. He took Tya in her sling and placed it around his chest before walking out.

I called out to him but he kept walking. I had no idea who this woman is and what I am supposed to say to her. She was just standing there fidgeting with her hands. "Um, hello?" I said to her.

Her head snapped in my direction. "I want my son." Was all she said and immediately I understood. I walked out and found Tyson leaning on the wall and talking to Tya.

"Can I have my baby please?" He looked at me and asked, "What?"

"I said, can I have my baby please?" I stretched out my hands waiting for him to pass Tya but he doesn't, he just stands there like he didn't understand me.

"What do you mean?" I took a deep breath and said, "What don't you understand, I asked for my child, now can I have her?" He then had the audacity to say, "No."

This just made my anger flare. "What the heck do you mean by "no"?!"I had this strong urge to slap him in the face.

The raising of my voice startled the baby and she started crying. "See what you caused." Was all he said before walking off again.

"Tyson Hosea Stone, give me my baby!" He kept walking and just ignored me. I walked up to him and grabbed him by the shoulder that was not occupied by the polka dot print baby sling.

When he turned around to face me, I found that Tya was snuggled up against his chest, with her thumb in her mouth and blinking up at him like he was her everything. It brought tears to my eyes and I looked up in the ceiling to get rid of them. "Why won't you just give me my child?" I was tired from arguing by myself because all he did was walk away whenever I tried to start an argument.

"You're upset, just calm down and I'll give you the baby." But when he tried passing Tya back to me, she started fussing and clung to him.

He kept on trying to pass her, but she would start crying and refused to let him go. "Tya, mommy is leaving." She just looked up at him started playing with his mouth.

He smiled at her and said, "Baby, mommy wants to go." And even though he was finally giving me what I wanted I couldn't stand coming in between her and her father or him and his child. After all, she was his child as much as she was mine.

"It's okay, should I go now?" I caused a scene that could have been prevented if I would have just let Tya stay with her father. "It's fine." And he started back to his office.

I realized then that because of my anger and resentment towards the woman, I took it out on Tyson when he did nothing wrong. I remembered then, that he was strangling her before and immediately made my way to the office to prevent the previous altercation to continue.

When I got there I saw Tyson sitting in his chair talking to the woman and felt like an idiot for starting a fight with Tyson for no reason at all.

What was wrong with me?

"I would like for you to meet my fiancé, Isabelle Foreste and this is our daughter Tya Stone." I waved at the woman and stood there like an outsider. I felt like I didn't belong there. "Come sit beside me, Ladybug." I gave him a look because he never calls me Ladybug unless I'm ignoring him.

"Hello Isabelle." The woman said my name in a sneer. "And you are?" What she said next made me want to choke her too. "Krishna Nelson- Stone, wife of Tyson Stone and mother to Tyler Stone and I've come to take back my place in the Stone empire."

Can you believe it because I can't? Is she joking or did they tie the knot for real? I have no idea at all😂😂

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Can you believe it because I can't? Is she joking or did they tie the knot for real? I have no idea at all😂😂. Stay tuned for chapter 29 to find out.
~cheeseswirls 🌻🧘🏻‍♀️
•i think Isabelle is losing her sh*t. Who agrees with me? Send this emoji🚨to confirm.

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