0.03| gotta go

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Adara wallowed in her room, sitting on the edge of her bed

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Adara wallowed in her room, sitting on the edge of her bed. Clothed in all black she glanced at the window to her right, small droplets dripped down as heavy rain poured. 

In her hands a notebook recounting the days from when she noticed her body never physically changed. Five was back she didn't know what to expect, for her body to suddenly change in the adult she should be, or for Five to hold some answers in regards to it. 

Opening up the first page she recounted the day Sir Reginald believed was the cause. 

After Five had shot up and disappeared from breakfast that morning, the rest of the children were dismissed effectively to their rooms. 

On their ways up the stairs, Adara had felt a surge of energy engulf her entire body. Sparks of blue energy and blue flames erupted from within her.  Causing the young girl to collapse at the bottom of the stairs. 

Reginald had studied her, tests and results were baffling.

His conclusion was as so:

Adara's strange experience was as id she experienced being hit by lightning. Almost as if a  bolt of lightning struck her discharging half a billion volts of electricity and producing sixty thousand amperes of current it affects threefold. 

After this event, Adara had yet to age over the age of fifteen, and during this event, Five was never to be seen again.

A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts, a somber Klaus offering a black umbrella towards her, a see-through pink one on the other hand.

"It is time."

She grabbed the umbrella gently, placing her book on her bed following Klaus towards the courtyard. The older man wrapping his arm around his sister, a silence comfort. 

One by one the siblings walked out the courtyard, umbrellas flapping open as they all gathered in the middle, the rain pounding against the plastic and the crunching of fallen leaves echoed in the courtyard.

"Did something happen?" Their mom glanced towards the siblings her ever-present smile on her face. 

The siblings looked at her perplexed as Allison answered her question. "Dad died. Remember?"

"Oh." Their mother looked down. "Yes, of course."

"Is mom okay?" Allison questioned Diego concerned at their mother's behavior.

"Yeah." He answered quickly. "Yeah, she's fine. She just needs to rest. You know recharge."

Adara gave her mom a worried glance, before adjusting her grip on the umbrella. 

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