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There is this thing that almost every human being has.
Something so salient to say the least.
We need it for day to day decisions, and it often times comes in handy.

Common sense.

It truly is a beautiful thing.
I would like to know why it is that I am lacking such an important trait.

Because, if I had such a thing; I would not have agreed to play a game of polo with the most elite athletes in England when I have not played a single match of said game in my entire 23 years.

I try my utmost best to keep a confident front as several doubtful thoughts race through my mind.

Good gracious, the things I do for that boy, Ciel.

I am currently seated atop of a large, white, speckled horse. I have been atop of a camel before several times In Egypt therefore, this should not be too much different from a horse if I am correct.
One of the players hands me a helmet and as I put it on I notice Grey staring me down like a hawk. It makes me wonder if he can see through my little act.

As I gently stroke the flaxen mane of the horse I notice that carved into the head piece is the name 'beauty'. "
Treat me well, alright girl. Together we will show the men who is in charge."

Now that all the players are ready to begin, Grey sounds the bugle and the players ride off on their horses.
The game looks intense and the men begin passing the ball amongst each other.

Everything seems to be going well except for one problem... My horse has not moved a single inch from the starting line.

"Beauty? What the hell! We are supposed to be in this together."
I Suppose riding a horse is in fact, not the same as riding a camel.
When riding a camel, usually for them to start moving all one really needs to do is lean forward.

How do I get this horse to move?

I glance at Grey and he continues to look at me with those same cold eyes. I fret that he is beginning to regret his decision.

I begin to go into a state of panic. How on earth will I manage to score all of the goals I had promised if I cannot even get the horse to move?

Think... what can I do?

I then remember the many times I have been in the carriage with Sebastian and Ciel.

The straps! The straps on the side of the horse. If I recall correctly, they are called the reins. I tug them back and soon enough beauty begins moving forward galloping towards the other horses.

Now, I just need to figure out how to score a goal.

I make my way over to one of the players on the other team and attempt to steal the ball. He then maneuvers his way around me and before I can even blink my eyes he has already passed the ball to another player.
This vicious cycle repeats several times and soon enough, I am feeling thoroughly despondent.

Suddenly, I hear the sound of the bugle from Grey. People immediately stop playing. It seems as if the first chukka has already ended, and I could not even manage to move my horse for the preponderance of it.

I then notice the man from earlier talking to Grey. "
What did I say? Take her out of this match! She most obviously has no idea what she is doing."
He argues to Grey.

My heart beat quickens and I grow anxious as I wait for Grey's response. Will he really remove me from the match?

"Mr. Duelleé, We promised the lady one full match, so therefore, she will play until the end."

I sigh in relief.

The man scoffs, shakes his head, and walks back onto the polo field.

These men are indeed extremely skilled in this game. Even so, I absolutely refuse to give up. I am much too invested now.

There is only one way I can win this game. The only way I ever know how to win... I just have to play dirty.

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