Chapter Seventeen

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I heard the lock click and I opened my eyes.
I hadn't been asleep, just resting, however I couldn't say the same for klaus, who was snoring quietly to my left.
"You idiot!" Cha-Cha said.
"What?" Hazel asked.
"You didn't put the "Do Not Disturb" sign on the door!" Cha-Cha said, angrily.
"I did, I know I did..." Hazel trailed off as he inspected the door.
"Shit!" He exclaimed, slamming it.
Klaus awoke with a jolt and I heard the kidnappers come over to the wardrobe.
"Oh, my god, they're still here." Hazel said, relieved, flinging the door open.
Klaus whimpered.
They pulled us out and tied us to the chairs again. Klaus continued to whimper and groan.
He looked at them and started to mumble, his words muffled through the duct tape.
"What's he saying?" Hazel asked, ripping off the duct tape on both of our mouths.
I felt my lip started to bleed. The least of my worries.
"What are you sayin'?"Cha-Cha asked.
"You guys are scarier without the masks." Klaus said and chuckled.
Cha-Cha slapped him across the face.
"That's no way to say hello to your old friends, is it?" Hazel asked.
"Can't we call it a night?" Klaus sighed. "I already gave you what you wanted. Just please..." He sighed again and glanced at me.
I smiled at him and he smiled back slightly.
"Please, please let us go. Please." He begged, wearily, turning to the two.
"Well, technically, we want your brother. Is your brother here now?"
Klaus sighed and looked past me, onto the bed.
"He— your gonna have to be a little more specific on that." He said.
I looked over to the bed too, knowing Ben was there.
I smiled at the bed and hoped he had seen it.
Then I realised how insane I must look so I faced the front again.
Ha-Cha slapped Klaus again.
"Ow! I told you already. He's not coming. No-one will."
"Well Number Five knows now. We left him a message." She said monotonous.
"Maybe he won't come for you, but he'll come for the girl." She turned to me.
I growled and glared at her, fury swirling like tornadoes in my eyes.
"Leave... Five... Alone." I hissed.
"And when he does come, we'll be ready." Cha-Cha smirked, ignoring me.
"You will NOT harm him." I said.
She laughed and walked over to me, crouching down.
She pulled out a knife and my breath hitched slightly.
She drew the knife all down my leg, deep enough to draw blood but not enough to draw too much. A long cut formed.
It stung like hell. I gritted my teeth and looked her in the eye, refusing to make a sound.
She laughed again and they walked past us.
I closed my eyes and started crying, silently.
"Hey, hey, don't worry. We'll get out of here, I promise!" Klaus whispered.
I opened my mouth, a sob slipping through.
"But— they... they're gonna— gonna get Five!" I cried, as silently as possible.
"Hey, no! No, they won't. Five's clever, and we'll escape soon." Klaus smiled.
I looked up, confused. Since when did Klaus become the caring, motivational brother?
"Your boyfriends gonna be okay!" He added and I rolled my eyes.
"He's not my boyfriend."
We both laughed a bit.
Klaus stopped laughing and stared into outer space.
He whimpered.
"No, no, no, no..." he whispered.
I looked at him worriedly.
It had been around about 15 minutes and whilst I was trying to form a decent escape plan, my brother had been staring at one spot for ages, seemingly transfixed.
"Aw, Jesus!" He whispered, turning his head with a disgusted expression.
It was like he was watching a film.
He glanced up at the spot again, realisation replacing the uncertainty on his face. He straightened up and stared into thin air with a decisive look on his face.
"H...hi. Hi." He said
I stared at him in utter confusion, my eyes wide.
Umm, what?
Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Cha-Cha look up at him too.
"Hi, uh... What's your name?" He asked.
I furrowed my eyebrows.
"Oh! That's a lovely name." Klaus whisper-exclaimed.
Was he speaking to someone, some dead person?
"And can you tell me what happened?"
This was so weird.
I realised everyone was staring at Klaus.
Cha-Cha spoke up. "What happens is if you don't shut up. I'mma cut your tongue out with a grapefruit spoon." She said.
Klaus turned to stare at her.
"Zoya Popova." He said
My jaw dropped slightly.
What the actual hell is going on.
"What did he say?" Hazel asked as he turned to Cha-Cha.
"Zoya Popova" She replied.
"Old Russian broad, short, with a limp." Klaus continued. Cha-Cha turned back to stare at him. I nodded, he was speaking to the dead.
Klaus laughed. "Oh, she's really pissed at you guys!" He said, and whistled.
Soon enough realisation dawned on my face too.
I smiled at our kidnappers utterly confused and scared faces.
I was sitting next to klaus in the empty room.
Apparently there were dead people surrounding us.
It was a bit unnerving as Klaus whispered to me the things that had happened to them.
"Hands chopped off, bled to death in the bathtub." He noted.
My eyes widened as I looked in the general direction that he was.
I was looking at a wall.
"Slashed throat." He whispered.
He turned his head in several other directions.
"Suffocation, I think."
"Jumper cables to his nipples and shocked him."
I grimaced.
He looked in front of him again.
"Just shut up, shut up, shut up. Everybody, just... everybody just shut up, please shut up. Jesus, you guys are worse than the drugs." Klaus said, loudly.
I looked at him sympathetically. It must be horrible having dead bodies follow you around.
I heard Hazel and Cha-Cha whispering behind us and I shuffled my chair slightly.
I didn't want to move too much in case I ended up sitting in some dead persons intestines or something.
"How could he possibly know about Zoya Popova?" Hazel murmured.
"Maybe he guessed, I don't know. Who cares, she's dead. You need to focus." Cha-Cha said, slightly uneasy.
I rolled my eyes.
"That little psycho could show up any minute."
I tensed at Cha-Cha's words.
"Or do wanna get a docked pay again, go back and tell 'em we couldn't hack it, face those consequences?" She continued. "Pull it together, now!"
"Swiss Alps, huh?" I heard Klaus say.
I felt Hazel come towards us.
He swizzled Klaus' chair around, leaving mine facing the window.
"Which one are you? Cha-Cha or Hazel?" Klaus asked.
"Hazel." Hazel replied.
"Jan Mueller. Remember him? Swiss Alps." Klaus said.
I felt Hazel shuffle about a bit, unnerved.
"Him and his wife were coming back from a ski trip." Klaus said, matter of factly.
There was a pause.
"I remember." Cha-Cha said. "Forward. Reverse!" She said.
"Yeah, that's it! Yeah!" Klaus said.
I scoffed. They were acting like nursery children.
"And his wife..." Klaus continued, "escaped down an alleyway."
He turned to Hazel. "He says to say thank you."
Cha-Cha snapped her head in Hazel's direction.
"What's he talking about?"
Hazel shook his head. "I don't know." He said, shakily.
"He was so grateful to you, Hazel, for having spared his wife." Klaus said.
He turned to me. "You know there may be hope for him yet. Don't you think?"
I laughed darkly.
Cha-Cha was glowering.
"Bathroom, now!" She turned and marched off, Hazel following her.
"Thank you." Klaus said to thin air.
I couldn't be bothered to listen to the kidnappers boring conversations so I continued planning our escape.
"Jan says you were a real 'mensch' Hazel. H said you were such a good.." my brother was cut of my Cha-Cha coming back and forcing his mouth shut with duct tape.
"Shut up!" She exclaimed, and left again.
I had a small escape route planned in my head but I couldn't figure out how to go about it.
"Klaus, if we manage to escape, the best way would be to go through the front door. I mean, obviously, but Plan B we might be able to fit through that air vent." I pointed to an air vent near the beds.
Cha-Cha came back out and covered my mouth too.
"Will you SHUT UP!" She yelled and walked away again.
I framed my head around and looked over to Klaus to see his reaction to my plan
He shuffled round to the small table near the window.
I sighed. Fine, just ignore me then.
Out side I could hear footsteps, cautious ones. Heels I think, or at least expensive shoes.
It was a woman. She can't have been from around here.
Klaus could hear them too.
He shuffled closer to the table, glancing behind him nervously.
Cha-Cha and Hazel were still talking in the other room.
I heard the footsteps near.
Klaus waited, listening too.
We saw a woman walk past the window, dressed in a smart suit.
We both began to scream, muffled through the duct tape.
The woman walked past.
Klaus looked down and started banging his head on the hard wooden table.
I flinched and grimaced as the smash continued.
I didn't know what to do except listen.
I heard the footsteps pause.
The woman pulled out something, a gun I think.
And stepped closer to the door.
I held my breath.
Klaus kept banging his head on the table.
It was a wonder Hazel and Cha-Cha couldn't hear us.
There was a pause as klaus' head-banging slowed.
Then the door opened and we both looked up, whimpering.
The woman came towards us.
"Are you Diego's brother?" She asked.
Klaus nodded.
"And you must be Five's girlfriend." I stared at her in confusion.
What the hell?
How did everyone think we were dating?
Klaus glared at me and I nodded stiffly.
"I'm Detective Patch."
She pulled out a knife and cut the ropes, pulling us both up behind her.
Klaus gestured towards the bathroom.
The door opened slowly.
Patch grabbed Klaus and I leaned against the table, noticing little splatters of blood.
I winced as I tried to stand up properly, the slice down my leg still stinging.
Suddenly there were shots fired and Klaus leapt onto the bed.
He rolled off and looked towards me, gesturing for me to follow him as he crawled through the vent.
So, he was listening!
I looked towards the open door and shook my head at Klaus motioning for him to go on.
"Police! Drop the gun, or you're going down!" The detective shouted.
I leant against the doorframe, pausing for breath.
My body was aching, screaming at me.
A gun was thrown out of the bathroom.
"I'm coming out. Don't shoot." Hazel said.
I backed further out and then froze in terror as my back hit a person.
Cha-Cha grabbed me and clutched me to her side.
I tried to shout, to warn the detective but Cha-Cha had her hand wrapped tightly around my mouth.
Hazel emerged from the bathroom.
"Hands behind your head, asshole." Patch said.
"Okay, just don't shoot." Hazel replied calmly. He kneeled down and lifted his and behind his head.
I was crying silent tears, desperation striking me as I tried to prise Cha-Cha's hand away from my mouth.
She kicked my leg and I stopped, clutching my thigh in pain.
There was a silence and then Cha-Cha fired.
The shot rang out across the building and I watched as the detective gasped and fell forward.
Cha-Cha turned round and grabbed me, fiercely.
I could see the anger in her eyes. Murderous.
I had to do something.
Hazel started walking towards us.
He paused at the dead body, looking slightly...sad?
"Hazel." Cha-Cha said and pointed to the vent.
"Couldn't have gone far." Hazel said.
That's not the only problem." Cha-Cha said, still gripping me tightly.
Hazel groaned. "The brief case."
"Shit!" Cha-Cha said.
She turned to me and raised the gun to my head.
I looked at her, fear gripping me.
I had to do it.
I took a deep breath and pictured a bird in my head.
A peregrine falcon was the best option, I had tried that once before.
It felt like every cell was screaming and writhing in pain as I slowly grew feathers and flapped free from Cha-Cha's surprised grip.
I could barely breathe.
I flew as fast as I could out of the door but then stumbled and fell.
I couldn't fly away, it was too painful. And I was only young as a peregrine falcon.
I flew onto the roof and waited for the criminals to leave.
They ran out, not bothering to look for me.
I rested on the roof. My breathing slowing.
I stayed in the same position, not daring to move.
Not even considering transforming.
About 20 minutes had gone by when I heard footsteps again.
I forced my self to stay conscious.
They were familiar.
My brain was fuzzy and I couldn't place them.
"Klaus? Accalia?" They shouted.
I heard the person enter the motel room.
They were crying, distraught.
"No, no, no, n, no! Eudora!" They shouted. It sounded like a man? I didn't know.
I was tired.
The man pummelled the floor.
"I was on my way, I was... Why didn't you wait!" He shouted at the detective.
I grimaced as I tried to place the person.
One of my siblings obviously.
But my head was slowly slipping into darkness. I took a deep breath and half flew, half fell off the roof.
I could hear cop cars coming and I slowly transformed.
It felt like a billion splinters were slicing through my skin at every move.
I lay on the floor, unable to breathe properly.
The man stood up, and retraced his steps, still not noticing me.
He grabbed something and turned to the hall.
I realised it was Diego.
"Accalia!" He shouted and picked me up.
I couldn't even cry, I was too weak.
Then my mind finally slipped away.
A/n CLIFFHANGER!!! Omg that took so long to write!

The Umbrella Academy: The Numberless Girl DISCONTINUEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora