Mia reaches over the boy's unruly mass of curls to lift his hoodie over his head, effectively hiding his face better. As they move across the street, she spots Saya on her bike, foot on the pedal ready to go when necessary. Saya's eyes immediately make contact with Mia's like she could feel the other girl's stare. 'What the fuck' the girl mouths to Mia, whose only response is a shrug. She can tell Saya is annoyed as she's always been a plan type of person. She always followed the plan. Whether it was a mission or just a regular day Saya Kuroki stuck to the rules.

"You've been made." Willie's voice breaks her out of her reverie for the second time that night. When Willie's gaze moves over to Mia, he can only squint his eyes before Marcus' frightened features capture her attention.

"Shit." Marcus mutters out, his grip on Mia's hand tightening as he began to run. Mia's mouth opened ready to insult the boy only to notice three cops chasing after them. Mia steered them into the crowd, dragging them far enough that hopefully they'd get lost in the crowd.

Mia's exaggerated smile made its' way onto her face again as they ran into Maria, who upon seeing Mia holding onto their target's hand had only starred - completely forgetting to do her whole sexy hypnotic gaze thing. The subtle movement of Mia's head in the direction of the officers chasing them allows Maria to gain focus again. She directs them to the left of her with a quick movement of her fan and Mia bites her lip at the sound of a scream. She doesn't look behind her, knowing full well what Maria is capable of, and when Marcus tries to, she speeds up.

Marcus tried to steer them in the direction of an alleyway that would have actually been a fairly decent place to hide. However, Mia's priorities were clear - and if she had to kick some cops' asses to get this kid to Lin, then so be it. So, she lead them to the garage the group was supposed to meet at, ignoring the tug on her hand trying to pull her away from the direction. Once they make it to the location decided by the team, she slows down. The girl finally allowing herself to catch her breath. Marcus steps away from the girl, eyebrows furrowing at her. He seemed unfazed by what had physically transpired. Now only curious and skeptical. The fear of being found had seemed to sober him up some as his eyes appeared less red and they weren't bulging at everything in his sight anymore.

"Who are you?" His voice breaks the silence that had been surrounding them. His voice is deep and scratchy like she knew her voice sounded when she cried in the middle of the night. She imagined he had spent a lot of nights doing that. With nothing but a dumpster and the stars to keep him company, he must have spent a lot of sleepless nights crying. She swallows as empathy begins to burn in her chest. Empathy was a weakness and Mia Langley was not weak.

"My name's Mia." She responds voice now back to its' usual self. Blank and devoid of any emotion. Marcus rolls his eyes, seeming to get almost angry as he rakes a shaking hand through his hair. "Yeah, but who are you?" Mia opens her mouth to dodge the question, wanting to wait until the others are there to elaborate, but before she can the revving of an engine cuts her off.

Mia's eyes roll as she waits for the girl's arrival. Marcus' head snaps towards the sound and then back towards the girl, who only shakes her head at him. Sure enough, Saya comes speeding down towards them, she doesn't slow down as she approaches them and Mia knows this is supposed to make her scared. That this is Saya's way of punishing her for disturbing the plan. But, the fast movement of the vehicle only makes the girl agitated. It does not have the same effect on the boy next to her though and Mia covers her mouth before an entertained giggle can escape it at the sight of the boy. He's dropped to the ground, back against the wall and hands up in surrender. His eyes were squinted closed as though he was preparing for impact and when it never arrived he curiously peeked them open.

Saya is slow in her movements as if she expects the two to be in awe of her presence. She lifts her legs carefully off the bike, combat boots making a harsh thud as they collide with the pavement. She takes her helmet off in one swift motion, shaking her short stark black hair, her eyes slowly making eye contact with the boy - who does seem rather in awe of the girl- before flashing her eyes to Mia.

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