Chapter 3

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“I am known, by everyone that Unlimited deals with, as The Director, or simply Director. My agents call me Sir, and I expect you to do that same. Unlimited is known by everyone, as a sort of go to point for what many call mercenaries. Someone has a problem that no one official will deal with, so they come to me, and for the right price, we handle the situation. It could be something as petty as, a small drug ring invading territory on the streets of New York City, or as major as taking out the leader of an entire nation. Hence the name, Unlimited. We take any job, and we are the best at what we do.” The Director almost had a little twinkle in his eye as he spoke, and it scared Emma.

“The way I do this, is that I have many people working for me that I call agents. My agents were just like you. They once lived in the outside world, went to regular school, had normal lives. But now, they are all loyal to me, and me alone. I have many agents for all sorts of jobs. Many develop one particular skill which I can harness and use to my advantage. For example, I have a girl who is absolutely stunning to look at, but she is weak physically, so she is one of my spies, while I have a lad that is practically a bull, whom I use if I ever need a riot or loud violence. However, a few selected few of my agents have a number of skills. There aren’t very many of them, only 6 of them to be precise, but they are the best of the best. And you, my dear Emma are going to join them.” Emma couldn’t stay quiet any longer.

“What do you mean join them? How can they do this? Why me?” Emma almost shouted these. But instead of being angry, The Director only looked at her with his emotionless expression.

“Emma please. I’m trying to explain it all, and I would appreciate it very much if you didn’t interrupt.” He said in his stern voice. Emma sunk into her chair a little, mumbling her apologies.

“Thank you. Now, where was I? Oh yes, my elite group. You see, my other agents were all taken at random, or because it was convenient. I have taken many children off the streets and given them a home and food and a life, if only for a small price that many are will to pay. But my elite agents are different. You see, I created them myself.” Emma frowned, her heart racing. What did he mean, he created them?

“When I first started Unlimited, I realised that I needed to be stronger than all of my competition. I needed to have better agents, better soldiers. And so, all those years ago, I invented the perfect weapon. It was a process that was new, and all my own design. But the process was unsuccessful on fully grown adults and even unsuccessful on children. So I had to start from scratch. I tried many times to combine the process with newly fertilised eggs, but almost every time was unsuccessful. It only succeeded a total of 7 times. All I had to then do, was wait for my weapons to become the right age for my use.” Emma’s heart dropped. She was part of an experiment? One of 7? She was the last one? Her head suddenly felt light and dizzy and she thought she might faint, but the Director kept going.

“You and 6 others are the only successes of my life long experiment to make this company the best it can be. Quite frankly, I would have liked to have acquired you sooner like I did the others, but your parents are to thank for that.”

“My parents?” Emma blurted out before she could stop herself. What did her parents have to do with this?

“Yes, your parents. They hid you from me, trying to keep you away from me in a last attempt to make this experiment a failure.” Emma slumped back into her chair, her mind spinning and racing around inside her head. Her parents knew? They agreed to this?

“Now, there is much more to explain, but I fear that anything else will send you into shock, so I shall let you go now.” The Director stood up suddenly and sat down again behind his desk. Emma didn’t hear him talk to the receptionist outside saying they were done. She didn’t hear him talk to her again. She didn’t feel the person lift her up to her feet and drag her out of the room. All she could hear was the pounding of blood in her ears. Her body felt numb, like it was floating. She felt sick, horrified at what was happening. She heard the faint ding of the lift as her body finally gave in and she collapsed onto the floor.

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