"Well," Luther said, speaking for everyone as they were all pretty shocked.  "That was interesting."

     Out of all the rooms in the Hargreeves house, Nova decided the living room was her favourite.  It was so classy, ad vintage looking.  Everything looked expensive, and she knew the kids weren't allowed to touch a thing when they were younger.  It was so warm and cosy, especially with the fireplace.  Nova was currently sitting on Diego's lap, playing with his fingers as they listened to Five and Vanya talk by the couch opposite to the one they were on.  Diego placing a kiss on a tired Nova's forehead, watching as her leg started slowly healing.

     "Yeah, definitely ballsy, giving up the family secrets.  Sure that went over well," Five said, as they were on the topic of Vanya's book.

     "They hate me."

     "Oh, there are worse things that can happen," Five reassured her.

     "You mean like what happened to Ben?" Diego and Nova both simultaneously paused at the words that came out of Vanya's mouth.

     "Was it bad?" Five asked.  Vanya only nodded.

     The siblings plus Grace, Pogo and Nova stepped outside into the rain.  Allison offered Nova protection with her umbrella, seeing as Diego was the only one who walked outside without one.  "Thanks," Nova smiled sweetly at the girl.

     "Did something happen?" Grace asked.

     "Dad died.  Remember?" Vanya said.

     "Oh.  Yes, of course," Grace sadly smiled.

     "Is Mom okay?" Allison asked.

     "Yeah, yeah, she's fine.  She just needs to rest.  You know, recharge," he nodded.

     Pogo stepped forward, limping slightly on his cane.  "Whenever you're ready, dear boy," he reassured Luther, who nodded slightly.  He slowly opened the urn and let their fathers' ashes drop to the ground.

     "Probably would have been better with some wind," Luther admitted.

     "Does anyone wish to speak?" Pogo asked.  All of the Hargreeves siblings plus Nova stayed quiet. "Very well.  In all regards, Sir Reginald Hargreeves made me what I am today.  For that alone, I shall forever be in his debt.  He was my master and my friend, and I shall miss him very much.  He leaves behind a complicated legacy—"

     "He was a monster," Diego cut in.  It was obvious that his mood had altered drastically since being in the house.  Nova's eyes flickered to him, but he didn't return the look.  Instead, he had his face down, staring at the pile of ashes on the wet dirt.  The rain poured onto him, flattening his hair.  Klaus laughed.  "He was a bad person and a worse father.  The world's better off without him."

     "Diego," Allison said in a warning tone.

     "My name is Number Two.  You know why?  Because our father couldn't be bothered to give us actual names.  He had Mom do it."

     Grace spoke up. "Would anyone like something to eat?"

     "No, it's okay, Mom," Vanya consoled her.

     "Oh, okay."

     "Look, you wanna pay your respects?" Diego asked, taking steps forward. "Go ahead. But at least be honest about the kind of man he was."

Bubblegum Bitch ── Diego HargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now