Chapter Sixty Eight

Start from the beginning

"Ok bye"

He then hangs up without letting me say bye. I just chuckle and hurried to finish up. I wore a white shirt with black strips crop top, blue jean shorts, and my black and white Adidas. I grabbed my black backpack putting in my phone charger, laptop, and my drawing sketchbook along with my drawing pencils. I grabbed my skateboard and headed to the guys dorm.

JungKook's POV

As soon as I got to my dad's hide out I see all of my men running in one direction towards the open court near the office area of the hide out. I ran over and saw my men fight other men that I don't recognize. I then remember that message I received back at Chae's apartment and ran over and fought them too.

"Capture them alive!"

I shouted to my men but as soon as I did, I got punched by one of the bigger guys of the other group. We fought and managed to get one guy while the others were either dead or ran away.

"Bring him to the warehouse. Tie him up and get any information out of him. DON'T fail!"

I walked to the office and sat in the chair. My phone buzzed and I saw that received 10 messages from the guys talking about hanging out today. I called Taehyung hyung and told him that I wouldn't be there.

I took out the plan I've written and the blue prints of YongGuk's building. I looked down at it and studied it more, marking the areas that could be useful to me.

Chae's POV

I was helping Jin Oppa in the kitchen making kimchi tune rice triangles, fried kimchi rice balls with seaweed, and beef fried rice, when he told me to finish cutting the onion while he went to the bathroom.

"Chae, do you want some candy?"

I sniffled and nodding.

"Ya, are you crying?"

I looked up and stream of tears came rolling down my cheeks. Jimin laughs at me and comes wipe my tears with a paper towel.

"Ya, Oppa, why don't you try cutting this onion.'

He laughs some more and decided to take over. He then started to tear up. I looked at him and laughed. He brought his hand to eyes to wipe the tears when I stopped him and wiped it for him.

"Chae - oh Jimin, what are you doing?" Jin Oppa says as he returns into the kitchen.

"Cutting onion" Jimin Oppa replies holding the almost gone onion up facing Jin Oppa with tears in his eyes.

Jin chuckles and gestures him to continue. Jin Oppa told me to take the fry pan and to start frying the kimchi and rice together. After a while we finished cooking and called everyone to come eat.

 After a while we finished cooking and called everyone to come eat

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(credits to the rightful owners of the photos, I got them from google)

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(credits to the rightful owners of the photos, I got them from google)

"Thanks for the food Jin Hyung and Chae" Jhope Oppa said smiling big.

We both nodded and ate.

"Should we save some for JungKook too?" Jin Oppa asked me

"No, I already put some aside for him so we can finish these." I smiled at him.

He nodded and we continued to eat.

After eating, Jhope Oppa and RapMon Oppa washed the dishes and we all went to sit in front of the TV watching The Korean Odyssey. As we were watch JungKook Oppa had entered the dorm and he looked upset. Jin Oppa was getting up to get the food we left for him and I signaled him that I would do it and he nodded, allowing me to do it. I walked to the kitchen, warmed up the food I saved for him and set it nicely in the tray bring it to his room.

As I got to his door I brought up my right leg to help hold the tray while I knocked on the door before opening it.

"Hey you, Here is the food I save for you."

I said setting it on his desk.

"Get out" He said in a cold tone

"What?" I replied in shock.

"Get. Out." He repeated sternly.

I scoffed and I left. I grabbed my things and headed back to my apartment, ignoring the questions being asked from the Oppas.

JungKook's POV

As I expected my men didn't fail, they caught the guy an tied him like I asked but he isn't saying anything to the questions we ask him. They only thing he has been saying over and over is "Be ready, be prepared, he will never let you get away this time." All we got out of him was his name.

Kim HimChan.

"Sir, we found some information on him."

I nodded, signalling him to tell me.

"He's YongGuk's right hand man. He does everything YongGuk asks for and seeing as we have him here, YongGuk will not stop until he get HimChan back."

I sighed and hit the table.

"Watch him carefully. Never take you eyes off him. If he goes missing at any point, I will not hesitate to punish." I looked at the men in front of me seriously. They all bowed and left the office room leaving me to be alone. I decided to go home.

As I entered the dorm, I didn't even take notice of anyone around me. As I entered my room, my door opened again not long after. I see Chae putting a tray on my desk and was about to make her way to me when I told her the leave.

"What happened?" I heard Taehyung Hyung's voice ask from behind.

I didn't say anything. I stayed seated on my bed and ignored the question.

"I don't know what got you all tied up in your pants but Chae and Jin Hyung worked hard to make you those. You could've at least thanked her. She just left without saying anything, you better hope she doesn't stay mad if she is." He said and walked out closing the door behind him.

I sighed and laid down completely out of it. I was just so frustrated with whats going on that I just wanted to be alone. After what felt like hours when it has only been 10 minutes I walked to my desk where the tray of food sat and looked at it. There was a sticky note on the cup of water next to the rice balls I picked it up and read it.

"I worked really hard on these for you. ^^ I hope you enjoy."

I ate the food and went back to my bed. I took out my phone and was planning to call Chae but decided to text her instead.

"Chae, I'm sorry for what happened earlier. I found out some bad news and just wanted some time alone. I didn't know why I was giving that attitude towards you. I know I shouldn't have and I hope you can forgive me. If you're upset with me I understand but please don't be mad too long. Text me back when you get this. I really want to talk to you."

Chae's POV

As I walked back to my apartment, I realized that I forgot my skateboard at the dorm. "Ah whatever, I can get it tomorrow" I thought to myself. I was just around the corner from my apartment when a strong grip grabbed me from behind.

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