Chapter thirty nine

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Chae Rin's POV
I was having a nice sleep when Tori came into my room and jumped on me.

"Baby, wake up."
"Honey, let me sleep a little. longer"
"No, we have a lot to plan today...we are leaving today."
"Can't we plan later. I'm tired."
"No! now wake up babe."

I got up went to shower and got dressed. When I finish doing my morning routine I head to the kitchen to cook breakfast. Pancake, sausages, egg omelets, and some toast. As I did I got a text from Kookie Oppa.

"We're coming over."

I smiled and decided to make extras for them. In the middle of cook the doorbell rang. I shouted for Tori to open the door.

"Hey there"-Tori
"Whats up?!"-Jhope
"I'm sleeping"-Suga
"Sup everyone"-Jimin
"Hey babe, hello Tori"-JungKook
"Hey Kookie, Annyeong Oppa."-Me

Kookie Oppa came into the kitchen and back hugged me.

"stop, you'll get burned"

i said as he gets to close to the stove. He pulls away from me. Yoongi Oppa comes into the kitchen and greets me. They help me set the table.

"Why did you make so much?"-Jin
"Well, you all were coming so I decided to make some for you guys too."-Me
"Aww thanks...come on boys lets eat."-Jin
"YAY! Food"-Tori

They all came to the table and sat down.

Hoseok Oppa sat next to Taehyung Oppa and Tori at the right side of the table

On the left sat NamJoon Oppa, Jimin Oppa and JungKook Oppa

And at both ends of the table sat Jin Oppa and Suga Oppa, I share a place between Suga Oppa and JungKook Oppa.

JungKook's POV
Everyone happy, we laughed and talked...we told the girls that we could join them to Jeju island and they were so happy. we already had everything packed in the car and were ready to go. We finish eating and headed out. I helped Chae Rin while Taehyung Hyung helped Tori. We headed to Jeju island.


Chae Rin's POV
We got to Jeju island and Kookie Oppa woke me up. We got off the plane and headed to the hotel Yoongi Oppa had reserved since he canceled my reservation. We settled in and rested for the night.


Suga's POV
I got up extra early to reserve a breakfast table for us then I took a shower and woke everyone else. I had JungKookie wake up the girls and we left to the breakfast room. Everyone was laughing and smiling. I was happy to see Chae happy, to see her smiling and laughing. The sight of my little sister smiling and laughing makes me so happy.

Chae Rin's POV
After eating breakfast we went to grab our personal belongs such as purse, phones, and cash. We headed out to go sight seeing around Jeju island. We took pictures and bought a few things. After doing so I wanted some time alone with Tori so I asked the boys to leave us alone.

"I can't believe your going back so soon."
"I'll be back."
"I know but I can't let you leave, you haven't seen all of Korea yet."
"I'll see the rest of Korea the next time I come back"

we went to a cafe and sat at a table.

"I'm going to miss you so much."
"me too"
"come on Tori lets go find the boys and go to the beach."

we went to find the boys. we couldn't them so I messaged them all saying that we'll be at the beach and to meet them there. we waited for awhile before they except JungKook came.

"Where's Kookie?"
"I don't know, he was with us then next thing he's gone"-V
"I'm going to find him. I'll text you guys when I found him."

i put on my shoes and went to find him. i called him but he doesn't pick up. i text him but he doesn't reply. the sun was setting and it was getting dark. i didnt know what to do. i texted Yoongi Oppa saying JungKook was no where to be found and that they should keep looking. no one was around on the streets. we shouted his name and kept looking for him.

JungKook's POV
I was heading to the beach after I got Chae Rin's text but I was grabbed from behind. next thing I know I'm in an alley tied up to a pole. i see a figure, female, but I can't see her face.

"Who are you?"
"Come on Oppa, you should know."
"What do you want from me?"
"i want you to be mine. Leave Chae Rin and be mine."
"No. Never. Don't think so."
"really? I really think so. Cause if you don't, I'll kill her."
"Don't go near her or I'll hurt you myself."
"Then you just need to be mine and leave her."

i hesitated.

she snapped her hand and a men came out with a phone and handed it to her. she showed me and I saw a picture of Chae Rin. it looked as if Chae was looking for me.

"Fine! just get them away from her."

she again snapped her hand and the man called someone telling him to come back. Luna smiled and untied me.

"I'll give you tonight to be with her. Break up with her tomorrow."

she whispers into my ear. she walks away into a car and drove off. i breathed heavily.  i walked off to the beach and sat down. i sat down and began to think.


i looked at where my name was being shout and I see Chae Rin standing a few feet across from me. i stood up but soon back on the ground as she ran towards me jumping on me. i could hear her panting from running.

"Where have you been?"
"walking around"
"whyy didn't you pick up my calls or replied to my texts?"
"my phone died."

she sighs and hides her face into my chest. she gets a call from Suga hyung.

"Yeah I found, we'll come later. i want to spend some time with him."

she hangs up and hugs me again. i pulled her close to me as I close my eyes. we stayed like that for a few minutes then pulled away. i turn her face towards me and I kissed her.

The next day

JungKook's POV
i couldn't sleep so I stayed up all night. i just couldn't close my eyes. i hesitated as I got up. i didnt want to leave her but I have to. to keep her safe.

later that even while we were at the beach I called Chae Rin over to me.

"Chae Rin I need to say something."

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