Chapter twenty three

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Chae Rin's POV
I had called Shizuyo and told her what had happened to me. After hours of waiting Shizuyo came with HyunWoo. I was so happy to see them. I haven't seen them for ages. I missed them so much. We talked and caught each other up on life. I found out HyunWoo got a letter from the best college ever and Shizuyo got accepted to the music college she wanted to go to. As for me i'm stuck in the hospital. I felt so happy to be with them again. We hung out and they spent the whole day with me. We were laughing and talking. After eating Shizuyo went to put the lunch trays away down at the cafeteria. It was just me and HyunWoo. I sat on my bed laughing as he kept making me laugh with funny jokes and stories after I left them for JungKook.

"So are you tired?"

"Nope, I'm not tired yet. I'm still hyper."

I laughed and smiled. I then felt his hand land on my hand but I didn't do anything about it. We heard the door open. I thought it was Shizuyo so I faced the door but instead of seeing Shizuyo I saw my BTS Oppas. My smile then disappear. HyunWoo removed his hand from my hand and stood up from my bed. They walked over and I saw that JungKook went straight to the couch in the room. I noticed his eyes were puffy and red. I wanted to cry and hug him so bad but I just cant. Suga Oppa came over to me and I hugged him. I then hugged the rest of the members except Kookie of course. I tried to ignore JungKook but every now and then I would glance over to JungKook. Shizuyo came back and we all talked and laughed. Just then I noticed that JungKook had stood up and was leaving the room. He seemed weak. He was only a few inches away from the door when he fell to the ground out cold. I was so shocked I got up and pulled the needles out of my arms not feeling pain. I ran to him and shook him.

"JungKook! Kookie-ah! Open your eyes! Come on!! Please open your eyes!" I shouted as I touched his face and shook him. I started to cry and Jin Oppa went to get a doctor. They came in and took him away. I wouldn't let go of him. Like literally 3 other doctors had to come help pull me off of JungKook. I am so worried. What if there is something wrong with him? Is it my fault? I cant believe something like this would happen to him. After they pulled me off of JungKook they injected some kind of liquid into me. I then became sleepy. Within seconds everything went black.

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