Chapter 9

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Lancers POV

I kept talking to my dad about my new friends, and then I turned around and there they where! Kris, Susie, Ralsei and (Y/N).
Me: Here they are Dad!
I nodded my head.
Dad: Lancer, Lancer, Lancer...what did I tell you?
Me: Never attached..?
Dad: You've failed me Lancer..
Me: But dad, there not bad! There really go-
Then...he picked me up, dangling me from his hand. I was scared, my dad has never done anything to me like that.
Dad: Fine then..
Then he held over the roof of the castle, letting m dangle above the ground, several feet below me. I was scared, I didn't know what to do. But then...I heard my dad yell, and I noticed that (Y/N) hit him with her sword.
(Y/N): Don't. You. Dare.
Dad: Don't I dare do what?
(Y/N) Don't drop him off.
Dad: Then kneel down before me. All of you.
Me: Guys don't! H-he'll kill y-you!
(Y/N): im not kneeling down for you. cuz I have a plan...
Dad didn't hear her say that she had a plan, but I did.
Dad: fine then, I will let him DIE
I was more scared then ever. I didn't want to die, but I didn't want my friends to die either. dad let go...

I felt a hand on my hand, and I realized that before I fell to far, (Y/N) grabbed my hand and she tried to pull me up. I couldn't believe that she bothered to save me... I couldn't control myself, I just ended up blushing like crazy, and she ended up blushing too, it was just..CRAZY!!! Then she pulled me up and back onto the roof. The first thing I did was just, hug her. After all,she did save my life.
Me: T-thank you....
(Y/N): Your welcome, kid.
I let go of her, because she was probably about to have a fight with my dad.
(Y/N): Im smarter then you thought, aren't I?
Dad: I guess you are...but I will stop you.
( King battle in next chapter, which is prob coming out later today or sometime tommorow)

Spades of Love (Lancer x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin