Chapter 6

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Ralseis POV

I was still confused about why Susie and (Y/N)  left our group. It didn't really make any sense. Sure, Susie j's evil and all that, but (Y/N)...she's a pretty good person. I would never see her as a villain.
Ok, so me and Kris where just walking around in the forest, and we saw them. Then, as in Susie, (Y/N), and...Lancer..? I had no clue that they teamed up with him.
Me: W-what are you guys doing here..?
Susie: Me and (Y/N) teamed up with Lancer.
Me: But why..?
Susie: Being a good guy sucks.
Me: B-but what about you, (Y/N)?
(Y/N): I don't know, I was bored.
Me: Well,ok then...
It was strange...

Your POV

After me and Susie joined Lancer, think have been going pretty good, without that dumb goat bossing us around. He is always just "Spare this, spade that" and me and Susie are like "No,fight this, fight that". That goat is annoying. And Kris doesn't really care. So, yeah. That's why we joined Lancer.

(Sorry for the late publish guys! I've been really busy with other stuff, and my tablet changer broke, so yeah)

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