Chapter 5

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Your POV

We left The Field Of Hopes and Dreams, and headed into a checkerboard-like area. Lancer left us, so the rest of us were wandering around, not touching the white, because when we did that, it sent us to the beginning. When we got pass the checkerboard, we saw Lancer waiting for us, and I was confused of how he got there, but I didn't care that much.
Lancer: Well hello, clowns
Me: sup
Lancer: wait a sec... You never really introduced yourselves by your team name. Do you have one yet?
Me: no, we actually don't.
Lancer: well...
Then he got a bucket and a bunch of paper, and pencils, and gave all of us pencils. He didn't have enough paper and pencils for me and Kris, and Kris didn't care about the name thing at all, so I picked the paper. There was a neatly folded sheet, which I guessed was Ralsei's, there was a crumpled up paper, which was Susie's, and of course, there was one that was signed LANCER, which was 100 percent Lancer's. I closed my eyes and picked a random one, and ended up picking Lancer's. I opened it up and it said The Lancer Fan Club. I wasn't surprised.
Lancer: Its confirmed, you guys are The Lancer Fan Club!!!
Susie: whatever.
Ralsei: I guess its a pretty good name.
Then I uncrumpled Susie's paper, which was The @$!# Squad, and I was not surprised at all. Ralsei's was The Fun Gang, and I thought that name was nice. Then we continued walking until we reached a forest, and Ralsei was getting tired of me and Susie beating up people. He kept telling us to stop, and it got so annoying that me and Susie left Ralsei and Kris.
Susie: Come on (Y/N), lets get away from these sparing weirdos
Me: yeah

Ralsei's POV

I was confused about why Susie and (Y/N) left us.

Lancers POV

I saw Susie and (Y/N) walking toward me, and I was confused about why they left Ralsei and Kris.
Me: How come you guys left the fan club?
Susie: well, we were thinking...
(Y/N): That we could join you and be bad guys!
Me: Oh My God Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We can be....THE DARK LANCER FAN CLUB!!!!!!!!!!
Susie: Um, alright then...
Me: Dark Jack Lancer
Susie: Violent Ax Susie
(Y/N): Sword Swinger (Y/N)

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