You conceal your aura as Lucille does as well.

(Y/N): Alright, let's go.

Lucille nods as you and her head out.

(Y/N): Do you want anything in specific?

Lucille: Chocolate, if possible.

(Y/N): let's see what they have.

You get Lucille chocolate and grab a few other things, heading out to pay.

After paying you walk outside and begin to walk home. Your aura was concealed and you had a hood covering most of your face. 

(Y/N): Hopefully we can get home peacefully

Sadly you couldn't teleport as there were some people around,  so you had to walk to a area away from prying eyes. On the way home you and Lucille were just talking. You turn the street not realizing what street your on.

(Y/N): Wait, this is Issei's street lucille.

Rias: Right you are dearest (Y/N)

Stood before you was Rias and all of her peerage.

Rias: I will only say this once, surrender and rejoin my peerage or we will beat you into submission.

Asia: Rias I don't want to do this!

Koneko: Me Neither..

Rias: SHUT UP, where is your loyalty.

(Y/N): You guys broke my heart, especially you Akeno. I will never return to you guys.

Rias: Issei deal with that weak girl behind him, when you beat her feel free to do whatever you want to her.

Issei smiles at this before summoning his armor, the Oppai Dragon himself eager as ever.


(Y/N): You don't want this fight.

You summon Trinity as Lucille summons Remorse!

Rias: Why, Scared?

Issei charges at Lucille but is blocked as a familiar golden circle appears in front of you.

(Y/N): Finally old man..

Anubis appears in front of you glaring at the rias peerage.

Rias: Who are you?

Anubis: I won't allow you to harm my apprentice, if you want a fight a rating game is the answer.

Rias: Hmm, that may be so. 

Kiba begrudginly charges at him as the new girl Xenovia charges at him from either side, Anubis sighs and catches both of their swords without taking a single step back.

Anubis: You should know better than that.

He removes the swords from their hands and throws them to the side, them clattering to the ground yards away.

Anubis: To challenge a god!

Rias is visibly scared at this, now starting to grasp the situation she put herself in.

Rias: Fine, you win this one.

Issei: But rias..

Rias: You heard what I said.

Issei: Fine, but (Y/N)?

(Y/N): What, Remember Rias can't save you from what you say to me.

Issei: Yea Yea whatever, but anyway thanks for letting Akeno join my harem

Hearing this say this makes you see Red

Issei: Did I strike a nerve? does it hurt to suck I one-upped you golden boy.

(Y/N): How does it feeling only being a little pawn, you are dispensable. As soon as Rias and her peerage get bored of you they'll move onto someone else.

This makes Issei MAD!


Issei charges at you, just as you wanted.

You were about to summon Trinity but Lucille jumps in front of you with Remorse at the ready.

Issei: After I beat you down I'll take that girl there as a sex slave, she'll be a wonderful addition to my harem.

Issei charges at Lucille, ready to run through her to get to you. But is slashes downwards by Lucille. Even with the armor he felt it.

Issei: I have Draig on my side, that won't hurt someone as stron-

Issei collapses as his armor disappears, a bright red stain appears on his chest. The red stain fades through his shirt as rias runs over to him.

Lucille: No one touches my King!


Rias prepares her magic as Anubis walks up to you.

Anubis: Let's go 

A golden circle appears underneath you guys as you give one last wink to Rias.

Rias: THAT LITTLE SHIT, I should've finished him when he was on the ground begging at my feet.

And as the last words leaves her mouth, you and your peerage are gone. All Rias can do is stare angrily at the spot left and at her peerage.

Rias: What's the big idea? Koneko? Kiba? Asia? I am your king, he is a bad person. I don't see where the problem here is.

Xenovia: I was told he was bad, what's the issue here?

Kiba: You know the issue Rias, we shouldn't have to tell you.

Asia: y-yeah!

All koneko could do was glare, she knew she had to watch her words.

Rias: You know those strays we hunt, that could be you if you continue. I'd watch the way you ac-

Out of nowhere a red circle appears on the ground, a red haired man resembling rias appears from the circle.

Lucifer: What did I tell you, wait for the plan and you would have him back in your peerage in no time.

Rias: I-I'm sorry, he came to us!

Lucifer: Let me reiterate it for you, cause apparently you forgot. You are to challenge him to a rating game, make a wager that if you win he joins your peerage and you can do whatever with his peerage. Beat him and then boom! You have the Lion god and The Crimson Dragon on your side, you will be unbeatable. The Gremory's will rain supreme over all of the underworld!

Rias smiles at this

Lucifer teleports away as Rias turns to Issei.

Rias: Asia, heal him already? 

Asia: S-Sorry..

Rias: Just shut up bitch, i've had enough of all of you for one day.

A tear comes to Asia's eye as she gets on her knees to heal him.



You and Lucille were celebrating as Anubis stood there with a smile

You turn to him and smile

(Y/N): Thanks for the Assist!

Anubis: Anytime my apprentice.

Fuorr: Sorry to interrupt this celebration but I'm detecting a ton of power coming from out of town. A ton of fallen angels and 2 unknown power sources I can't read.

(Y/N): Then let's go, you ready Lucille?

Lucille: Of course my king.

The Golden circle appears underneath you guys as you give one last smile to Anubis.


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